
This is a dimensionality reduction algorithm which has the goal of maintaining interpretability i.e we eliminate variables directly from potential models that don't seem to add any predictive power.
Author AdamAker
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Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
February 2023



This is a dimensionality reduction algorithm which has the goal of maintaining interpretability i.e we eliminate variables directly from potential models that don't seem to add any predictive power. This is accomplished by the use of decision trees to approximate a function between two variables. This is a modified version of the Predictive Power Score inspired by Florian Wetschoreck's article

The Problem

We'll start with a set of observations which can be further split into a set of features $F$ (things we want to use to predict) and targets $T$ (things we want to predict). The elements $x\in F$ and $y\in T$ are time-series of some measurable quantity. The main goal will be to minimize the set of features and targets we want to use to build models based on how well a feature does at predicting all the targets. How can we choose a good minimal set of observables to build models with? If we can potentially identify that there is a function between $x$ and $y$, then we can say that $x$ has predictive power with respect to $y$. So, how can identify if a function potentially exists between $x$ and $y$? which basically means we can build

Universal Function Approximators

Decision Trees are universal function approximators which basically means, we can split two dimensional subset of our data into different bins which are chosen based on minimizing a cost function. In this case the boundaries of the bins are chosen so as to minimize the error of the tree model makes when making predicitons. Spliting the data into different bins is constructing a function, but we need to understand how well this function does compared to a more naive model of prediction: taking the median of the target $y$ and always guessing that any $x$ will map to the median.

Comparing Model Performance

If we have two different models $g_1$ and $g_2$ mapping feature $x$ to target $y$, then we will need a way to choose which model does a better job at predicting $y$ from $x$. One way to do this is to look at the mean absolute error of each model which is defined as


We can compare the how well the "smart model" does as compared to the "naive model" by looking at the ratio of $\text{MAE}{\text{smart}}$ to $\text{MAE}{\text{naive}}$ which is defined as $r$

as the smart model does better, this ratio becomes smaller and as the smart model starts doing as good or worse than the naive model, this ratio becomes larger. Up to this point, this is pretty much just the predictive power score. If our smart model is doing better than the naive model, then we have at least established that constructing a function between $x$ and $y$ is useful which means that we should include it in whatever models that we wish to build.

Making the BARS

There are a number of features that would be nice to have to make the process for judging how well a variable does at predicting another

The main thing we can do is to use a gaussian to map $r$ to $[0,10]$ so that we now have


The main advantage of doing this beside bounding our score between $0$ and $10$ is to divide the score into roughly three regions i) Low, ii) Intermediate, and iii) High. Due to the characteristic of the gaussian, the derivative

$$\frac{d}{dr}\Big(10e^{-r^2}\Big)=-20re^{-r^2}$$ will not vary that much when $r$ is close to zero (in the high score region) nor far from zero (in the low score region); thus, we get good separation of of the scores for the most part. The only remaining question is where is the intermediate region?. We can bound the region of interest since the maximum change in the value of the BARS occurs when $r\approx .71$ with a maximum value of $.86$: This forms the boundary of the intermediate-to-low score region. The boundary for the high-to-intermediate should occur when a small increase in $r$, say by $.01$ leads to the score dropping below the previously establish threshold of $.71$. So, we need to solve the linearization around $r$ such that


which implies that $r\approx.32$ which means $BARS(.32)\approx .90$.

Low Score Intermediate High Score
$\text{BARS} \leq 3.7$ $3.7\leq \text{BARS} \leq 9.0$ $9.0\geq\text{BARS}$




[1] Wetschoreck, Florian. (Apr 23, 2020). RIP correlation. Introducing the Predictive Power Score.

[2] Mathonline The Simple Function Approximation Theorem.

[3] kenndanielso Blog Universal Function Approximation.