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Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
August 2018

A Machine Learning Framework for Julia

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MLJ (Machine Learning in Julia) is a toolbox written in Julia providing a common interface and meta-algorithms for selecting, tuning, evaluating, composing and comparing about 200 machine learning models written in Julia and other languages.

New to MLJ? Start here.

Integrating an existing machine learning model into the MLJ framework? Start here.

Wanting to contribute? Start here.

PhD and Postdoc opportunies See here.

MLJ was initially created as a Tools, Practices and Systems project at the Alan Turing Institute in 2019. Funding has also been provided by a New Zealand Strategic Science Investment Fund awarded to the University of Auckland.

MLJ has been developed with the support of the following organizations:

The MLJ Universe

The functionality of MLJ is distributed over several repositories illustrated in the dependency chart below. These repositories live at the JuliaAI umbrella organization.

Dependency Chart

Dependency chart for MLJ repositories. Repositories with dashed connections do not currently exist but are planned/proposed.

Contributing  •  Code Organization  •  Road Map


Core design: A. Blaom, F. Kiraly, S. Vollmer

Lead contributor: A. Blaom

Active maintainers: A. Blaom, S. Okon, T. Lienart, D. Aluthge