
Measures (metrics) for statistics and machine learning
Author JuliaAI
14 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
May 2023


Measures (metrics) for statistics and machine learning.

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List of provided measures and their aliases thereof.

Powered by StatisticalMeasuresBase.jl.

See here for in-depth documentation.

List of other Julia packages providing metrics.


A substantial part of the StatisticalMeasures.jl codebase is adapted from MLJBase.jl (version 0.21.11) with contributions from the following people not reflected in the commit history of StatisticalMeasures.jl:

  • Substantial contributions: Anthony Blaom (@ablaom), Thibaut Lienart (@tlienart), Venkateshprasad (@ven-k), Samuel Okon (@OkonSamuel)

  • Other contributors: Rik Huijzer (@rikhuijzer), Mose Giordano (@giordano), Cameron Biegnek (@CameronBieganek), David Muhr (@davnn), Albert Alex Zevelev (@azev)