
Utility library for working with CSV and other delimited files in the Julia programming language
466 Stars
Updated Last
2 Months Ago
Started In
May 2015


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A fast, flexible delimited file reader/writer for Julia.


The package is registered in the General registry and so can be installed at the REPL with ] add CSV.


  • STABLEmost recently tagged version of the documentation.
  • LATESTin-development version of the documentation.

Project Status

The package is tested against Julia 1.0, current stable release, and nightly on Linux, OS X, and Windows.

Contributing and Questions

Contributions are very welcome, as are feature requests and suggestions. Please open an issue if you encounter any problems or would just like to ask a question.


There are several other packages for reading CSV files in Julia, which may suit your needs better:

  • The standard library contains DelimitedFiles.jl, at least until Julia 1.8. This returns a Matrix rather than a Tables.jl-style container, thus works best for files of homogeneous element type. On large files, CSV.jl will be much faster.

  • CSVFiles.jl uses the FileIO.jl's load / save API, but otherwise has similar goals. Like CSV.jl, it works with Tables.jl objects such as DataFrames.

  • DLMReader.jl also aims to be fast for large files, closely associated with InMemoryDatasets.jl.

  • Pandas.jl wraps Python's pandas library (using PyCall.jl). This is a closer cousin of DataFrames.jl, but builds in the ability to read/write CSV files.