
Author I-Mihara
4 Stars
Updated Last
6 Months Ago
Started In
December 2023


Stable Dev Build Status

BioDemultiplexer is a Julia package designed for demultiplexing reads based on barcodes. It efficiently classifies sequences from FASTQ files, making it a valuable tool in bioinformatics workflows.


The primary function of this package is execute_demultiplexing(). It classifies sequences in an R2 FASTQ file by calculating similarity scores from R1 sequences and barcodes in a reference file. Usage is as follows:

execute_demultiplexing(file_R1, file_R2, bc_file, output_dir)


  • file_R1::String: Path to the input R1 FASTQ file.
  • file_R2::String: Path to the input R2 FASTQ file.
  • bc_file::String: Path to the reference barcode file in TSV format.
  • output_dir::String: Path to the directory where demultiplexed files will be saved.

Optional Arguments

  • max_error_rate::Float64 = 0.22: Maximum permissible error rate for sequence assignment.
  • min_delta::Float64 = 0.1: Minimum difference between the highest and second-highest barcode similarity scores.
  • classify_both::Bool = false: Set to true to classify both R1 and R2 sequences.
  • bc_rev::Bool = true: Set to true to reverse the barcode for demultiplexing.

Demultiplexing can also be performed with a single FASTQ file:

execute_demultiplexing(file_R1, bc_file, output_dir)

Parallel computing

BioDemultiplexer supports parallel computing, allowing faster processing of large datasets:

using Distributed
addprocs(n)# 'n' is the number of desired workers.
@everywhere using BioDemultiplexer
execute_demultiplexing(file_R1, file_R2, bc_file, output_dir)


This package is licensed under the MIT License.

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