BiochemicalVisualization is the graphical interface for BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl, providing different representations for biomolecular systems. All representations can be visualized in the form of interactive web widgets that are embeddable in Jypyter notebooks.
To install BiochemicalVisualization, open a Julia REPL, switch to the package mode by pressing ]
, and type
pkg> add BiochemicalVisualization
using BiochemicalAlgorithms, BiochemicalVisualization
# Read PDB file from the BiochemicalAlgorithms.jl repository
sys = load_pdb(ball_data_path("../test/data/AlaAla.pdb"))
# Prepare molecule
fdb = FragmentDB()
normalize_names!(sys, fdb)
reconstruct_fragments!(sys, fdb)
build_bonds!(sys, fdb)
# Visualize using ball-and-stick representation
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