Dependency Packages
EchelleInstruments.jl0Instrument-speciifc code for RvSpectML
ProcessBasedModelling.jl0Build equations with informative errors for missing variables by explicitly assigning a process to each variable of the equations
MambaModels.jl0DEPRECATED. Mamba versions of StatisticalRethinking models.
CrystallographyRecipes.jl0Plotting crystal structures and relevant data obtained from CrystallographyBase.jl and Crystallography.jl
ProbabilisticParameterEstimators.jl0Parameter estimation under uncertainty.
CitableTeiReaders.jl0A Julia module for reading documents in a variety of formats to instances of a CitableCorpus.
CryptoMarketData.jl0A library for saving and loading OHLCV candle data from cryptocurrency exchanges
PrincipalMomentAnalysisApp.jl0Simple GUI for exploring data sets using Principal Moment Analysis
DimensionReductionRegression.jl0Dimension reduction regression for Julia
Lycian.jl0A julia package for working with texts in Lycian.
QuantumESPRESSOExpress.jl0A plugin of Express.jl for handling the ab initio software Quantum ESPRESSO
SimpleLexica.jl0Work with citable lexica in a simple plain-text format.
MDEStudy.jl0A package which calculate abnormal returns in market data sets.
CitableText.jl0A Julia module for citing texts with CTS URNs.
AbidesMarkets.jl0Julia wrapper for ABIDES-Markets
CitationRecipes.jl0Plot data from references with formatted labels
QuantumStateDB.jl0Quantum state database
ConstrainedDynamicsVis.jl0Visualization for the ConstrainedDynamics.jl package.
DanceDocker.jl0Docker plugin for DanceJL
DINA.jl0Download and store US Distributional National Accounts Data ( using DataDeps.jl
CalculatedABC.jl0A Julia port of the ABCanalysis R package
DanceWebpack.jl0Webpack plugin for DanceJL
GreekScientificOrthography.jl0Implementation of an orthographic system for ancient Greek mathematical and scientific texts
ImageHistogram.jl0Implement gray and colored 2d and 3d histograms of images.
CiteDown.jl0Use URNs in markdown links.
GML_Glauber_Dynamics.jl0Algorithms for Learning Graphical Models from Time-Correlated Samples
CachedCalls.jl0Cache function calls to disk.
LittleEphemeris.jl0Paquete resultante del Trabajo de Fin de Grado de Ingeniería Informática. Este paquete se utiliza para calcular las coordenas y las velocidades de los cuerpos celestes especificados, mediante a interpolación en nodos de Chebyshev. También se utiliza para hacer una gestión ágil de ficheros de coeficientes.
BVHFiles.jl0A package for working with BioVisionHierarchy files (motion capture data)
MealDB.jl0MealDB API client for Julia.
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