
Docker plugin for DanceJL
Author DanceJL
0 Stars
Updated Last
4 Years Ago
Started In
April 2020


Plugin to automatically generate Dockerfile for DanceJL project.

Build Status
Build Status codecov

1 - Installation

Package can be installed with Julia's package manager, either by using Pkg REPL mode (press ]):

pkg> add DanceDocker

or by using Pkg functions

julia> using Pkg; Pkg.add("DanceDocker")

Compatibility is with Julia 1.1 and Dance 0.2.1 upward.

2 - Setup

Please make sure your project contains a Project.toml file in its root, at same level as dance.jl file.

If testing Docker on localhost, is recommended to set DanceJL setting's :server_host parameter to Else connections from host to Docker container might not work smoothly.

Invoke terminal in project root directory and:

using DanceDocker

Optionally if you wish to use different Julia version than one used on your machine, one can do so via version kwarg. For example:

using DanceDocker

3 - Docker Integration

Following section requires Docker to be installed on system.

3.1 - Building Docker Image

To build Docker image:

docker build -t <name>:<version> .


  • name is name of output DOcker image.
  • version is optional, as Docker will default tag to latest.

3.2 - Running Docker Image

To run built Docker image:

docker run -d -p <host port>:<docker port> <build name>:<build version>


  • host port and docker port correspond to ports on host and what was specified under Dockerfile respectively. For example: 8000:8000.
  • build name is the name of Docker image, as specified under previous section.
  • build version is optional, depending on if specified under previous section.

Above command will output a Docker container id. Hence when finished, simply end Docker instance by running:

docker container stop <container id>

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