Dependency Packages
MOTIFs.jl7DNA Motif discovery that includes the discovery of flexible (long or gapped) motifs.
MCPhylo.jl7(Hierarchical) Phylogenetic Models in Julia
MondrianForests.jl7Mondrian random forests in Julia
StateSpaceDynamics.jl7Julia library for fitting and analyzing state space models. Provides efficient implementations of various SSMs including the canonical Gaussian LDS (Kalman Filter/Smoother), Poisson LDS, HMMs, etc.
MLJMultivariateStatsInterface.jl7Repository implementing MLJ interface for MultivariateStats models.
CircleFit.jl7Fitting circles to 2D data points.
QuantumGraining.jl7A package for obtaining the effective time-averaged Lindbladian.
Garlic.jl7🧄 garlic growth simulation model
QuantumStateDistributions.jl7Distributions for continuous variables
Kinematic1D.jl7Prescribed flow models for testing cloud microphysics schemes.
KinematicDriver.jl7Prescribed flow models for testing cloud microphysics schemes.
KdotP.jl6Symmetry-allowed k ⋅ p expansions
Fronts.jl6Nonlinear diffusion problems in Julia
GeometryOptimization.jl6Geometry optimization for molecular simulation
FMISensitivity.jl6Unfortunately, FMUs ( are not differentiable by design. To enable their full potential inside Julia, FMISensitivity.jl makes FMUs fully differentiable, regarding to: states and derivatives | inputs, outputs and other observable variables | parameters | event indicators | explicit time | state change sensitivity by event
AlgorithmicRecourseDynamics.jl6A Julia package for modelling Algorithmic Recourse Dynamics.
AlphaStableDistributions.jl6Alpha stable and sub-Gaussian distributions in Julia
GslibIO.jl6Utilities to read/write extended GSLIB files in Julia
GumbelSoftmax.jl6Julia implementation of the Gumbel-Softmax reparametrization trick compatible with Zygote and ForwardDiff
HarmonicPowerModels.jl6An extension package of PowerModels.jl for Harmonic (Optimal) Power Network
EstimatingEquationsRegression.jl6Generalized Estimating Equations (GEE) in Julia
EnergyCommunity.jl6Optimization of Energy Communities in Julia
IndependentComponentAnalysis.jl6Fast implementations of FastICA and DUET for blind source separation
IndependentHypothesisWeighting.jl6Independent Hypothesis Weighting for multiple testing with side-information in Julia
Individual.jl6Tools to specify and simulate individual based models, using applied category theory
AEMS.jl6Anytime error minimization search for POMDPs, implemented in Julia.
DroneSurveillance.jl6Implementation of a drone surveillance problem with POMDPs.jl
DrawSimpleGraphs.jl6Drawing functions for `SimpleGraphs`
KDEstimation.jl6Provides a general framework for implementing and performing Kernel Density Estimation
DistributionMeasures.jl6Conversions between Distributions.jl distributions and MeasureTheory.jl measures.
Knockoffs.jl6Variable Selection with Knockoffs
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