Dependency Packages
TKTDsimulations.jl0Julia simulation package for TKTD models
ProbabilisticParameterEstimators.jl0Parameter estimation under uncertainty.
ProcessBasedModelling.jl0Build equations with informative errors for missing variables by explicitly assigning a process to each variable of the equations
BioMASS.jl0Julia interface to BioMASS
DynamicModelTestUtils.jl0A simple package for MTK-based model testing
MTKHelpers.jl0Helper functions with ModelingToolkit
TruncatedMVN.jl0Reimplementation of a truncated multivariate distribution with fast, exact minimax-tilting based sampling.
TumorGrowth.jl0Simple predictive models for tumor growth, and tools to apply them to clinical data
ScatteringOptics.jl0A Julia package to simulate and model interstellar scattering in strong regime.
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