Dependency Packages
DIVAnd_HFRadar.jl4High Frequency radar data interpolation with DIVAnd
Pioran.jl4Power spectrum inference of irregularly sampled time series using Gaussian Processes in Julia
GPFlux.jl4Integrate deep neural network and reverse mode automatic differentiation into Gauss process, have fun !
Biofilm.jl4This package models the dynamics of a biofilm using the Julia programming language.
NNHelferlein.jl3Little helpers for neural networks in the Knet ecosystem
ModiaPlot.jl3Convenient line plots of time series data identified by string keys (using GLMakie)
GeoStatsProcesses.jl3Geostatistical processes for the GeoStats.jl framework
ExtendableFEMBase.jl3Basic structures for finite elements based on ExtendableGrids infrastructure
MultiwayNumberPartitioning.jl3Solving a partitioning problem exactly
FusibleBroadcasts.jl3A Julia package for fusing broadcast expressions into optimized kernels
PhysiologyAnalysis.jl3Julia package for opening and analyzing electrophysiological data
PianoHands.jl3(Experimental) Predicting hand assignments in piano MIDI using neural networks
DeferredAcceptance.jl3A Julia implementation of several tools for solving school-choice problems and computing equilibria in nonatomic school-choice markets.
PetroleumModels.jl3A Julia/JuMP Package for Petroleum Network Optimization
MPITestImages.jl3Test images for evaluating MPI simulation frameworks.
SimsOptim.jl3Chris Sims' `csolve` and `csminwel` optimization functions
TraitSimulation.jl3Simulate phenotypes from any GLM model
FerriteMeshParser.jl3Parse mesh files to Ferrite.jl grid
FaultTolerantControl.jl3Fault tolerant control (FTC) for multicopters, etc.
CloudQSim.jl3Client for simulating quantum computers in cloud
Basinhopping.jl3The basinhopping global optimization algorithm written in the Julia programming language
GeoSimulation.jl3Geostatistical simulation solvers for the GeoStats.jl framework
SeaPearlExtras.jl3Non-critical functions for SeaPearl
GeoStatsDevTools.jl3Developer tools for the GeoStats.jl framework
SimGBS.jl3A simple method to simulate Genotyping-by-Sequencing (GBS) data.
LibRaw.jl3Julia bindings for the LibRaw library
DynOptInterface.jl3A Dynamic Optimization extension to MathOptInterface.jl
SuccessiveConvexProgrammings.jl3Successive Convex Programming (SCP) algorithms
ComplexPlots.jl3Plotting in the complex plane for Julia.
Flowstar.jl3Julia wrapper for Flow*
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