Dependency Packages
RetentionParameterEstimator.jl2Estimation of thermodynamic parameters for the interaction of analytes with a stationary phase in GC.
RoMEPlotting.jl22D plotting functionality for the RoME.jl package
SignalTemps.jl2Exponential representation of cell-cell interactions
SIIP2Marmot.jl2This package connects PowerSimulation results to Marmot for plotting system results
SpatialAccessTrees.jl2Spatial access trees
SpectralGaussianSimulation.jl2Spectral Gaussian simulation solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
SphereUDE.jl2A Julia package for regression in the sphere based on Universal Differential Equations
StateSpacePartitions.jl2Automatic partitions of state space from a dynamical system
StateSpaceSets.jl2The `StateSpaceSet` interface for packages of JuliaDynamics
StatisticalRethinkingPlots.jl2Plots based plotting functions for StatisticalRethinking
StochasticIntegrators.jl2Stochastic Numerical Integrators in Julia
Superfluids.jl2Gross-Pitaevskii and Bogoliubov-de Gennes in 2D
TaijaPlotting.jl2A package for plotting custom symbols from Taija packages.
TermoQuimica.jl2Paquete de equilibrio liquido/vapor
TopologyPreprocessing.jl2Julia module for topology preprocessing of images and videos
UVITTools.jl2AstroSat/UVIT grating spectroscopy and aperture photometry tools
Vensim2MTK.jl2A Julia package to import Vensim .xmile files as ModelingToolkit.jl models.
MetaCommunityMetrics.jl1MetaCommunityMetrics is a collection of tools and utilities for analyzing meta-communities in Julia. The current version is compatible with julia version 1.9.3.
PhysiologyPlotting.jl1Plotting tools for ElectroPhysiology.jl
MembraneAnalysis.jl1A package for analyzing molecular dynamics simulations of lipid membranes
SynapseElife.jl1Model associated to Elife paper Rodrigues et al. 2023
GrayCoding.jl1Algebraic Theory of q-ry Gray Coding. Encoding, Decoding, Some applications. See
Taarruz.jl1Adversarial Attack Tool for Knet
GraphSignals.jl1Data structures for graph neural network
VisualSearchACTR.jl1Pre-attentive attentive vision
WebToys.jl1Fun toys built on top of JuliaGizmos projects!
BlankLocalizationCore.jl1Julia implementation of our multi-operation blank localization method
GEOTRACES.jl1Read and use GEOTRACES data in Julia.
GeoStatsPlots.jl1Plots.jl recipes for the GeoStats.jl framework
PowerDynSolve.jl1Subpackage of PowerDynamics.jl providing the functionality to solve/simulate the built models
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