Dependency Packages
PolygenicRiskScores.jl10Polygenic Risk Scoring in pure Julia
SwarmMakie.jl10Beeswarm plots for Makie.jl!
Bezier.jl10A minimal implementation of bezier curves in julia
CountTimeSeries.jl10Julia Package for Count Data Time Series
TabularTDLearning.jl10Julia implementations of temporal difference Reinforcement Learning algorithms like Q-Learning and SARSA
LinearRegressionKit.jl10Linear Regression for Julia
OperatorFlux.jl10Operator layers for Flux.jl that allow for the construction of Neural Operator models by using Flux's API. Useful for discretization-independent spatio-temporal ML models.
QuartetNetworkGoodnessFit.jl9Julia package for phylogenetic networks analyses using 4-taxon subsets.
ExTinyMD.jl9This is a simple MD program.
ExponentialFamilyProjection.jl9A library to project an arbitrary function to an exponential family member distribution with the manifold optimization
Anasol.jl9Analytical solutions for groundwater contaminant transport
NeuralQuantumState.jl9Implements the Neural Quantum State algorithm for Julia.
DrillHoles.jl9Drill hole utilities for the GeoStats.jl framework
Xicor.jl9An implementation of the Xi Correlation coefficient and hypothesis test as originally described by Chatterjee (2021).
SpiderMonkey.jl9A Julia package for Spider Monkey Optimization.
LightPropagation.jl9Modeling light transport in turbid media
MixedModelsMakie.jl9Plotting functionality for MixedModels.jl implemented in Makie
KitBase.jl9Lightweight module of physical formulations in Kinetic.jl
MultiscaleGraphSignalTransforms.jl9MultiscaleGraphSignalTransforms.jl is a collection of software tools written in the Julia programming language for graph signal processing including HGLET, GHWT, eGHWT, NGWP, Lapped NGWP, and Lapped HGLET. Some of them were originally written in MATLAB by Jeff Irion, but we added more functionalities, e.g., eGHWT, NGWP, etc.
PartiallySeparableNLPModels.jl9A three-way bridge between ExpressionTreeForge.jl, PartitionedStructures.jl and PartiallySeparableSolvers.jl
MLJGLMInterface.jl9MLJ.jl interface for GLM.jl models
Judyp.jl9Julia package for solving dynamic programming problems
JLBoostMLJ.jl9MLJ.jl interface for JLBoost.jl
InfinitesimalGenerators.jl9A set of tools to work with Markov Processes
SimplePosets.jl9Simple partially ordered sets for Julia
GigaScatter.jl9Fast rasterization of huge amounts of tiny transparent points (in Julia)
ModiaBase.jl9Core algorithms for equation-based modeling
SimSearchManifoldLearning.jl9Non-linear dimensional reduction using SimilaritySearch (ManifoldLearning and UMAP)
MolSimToolkit.jl9A set of tools for analyzing molecular dynamics simulations
OceanColorData.jl9Ocean color data processing and analysis
Gaugefields.jl9Utilities of gauge fields
MLJJLBoost.jl9MLJ.jl interface for JLBoost.jl
CombinatorialBandits.jl8Implementation of several algorithms for combinatorial bandits, a kind of reinforcement learning.
NeXLCore.jl8Core algorithms and data for X-ray microanalysis calculations
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