Dependency Packages
ItsLive.jl7Tools for working with ITS_LIVE glacier velocity data
BinomialGPU.jl7A Julia package for sampling binomial random variates on an nVidia GPU
VLBISkyModels.jl7Just the Comrade Models
PandasJSON.jl7Read/write Pandas dataframes
XTermColors.jl7Terminal image encoder / decoder
ConceptualClimateModels.jl7ConceptualClimateModels.jl is a Julia package for creating and analysing conceptual models of climate, such as energy balance models, glaciation cycle models, or climate tipping models.
BokehServer.jl7A julia Bokeh server
Consensus.jl7A lightweight Consensus-Based Optimisation package for Julia
StateSpaceDynamics.jl7Julia library for fitting and analyzing state space models. Provides efficient implementations of various SSMs including the canonical Gaussian LDS (Kalman Filter/Smoother), Poisson LDS, HMMs, etc.
EvolutionaryModelingTools.jl7Simulate evolutionary biology models with Gillespie algorithm.
Isoplot.jl7For analysis and plotting of your isotopic ratios. In the spirit of (but not derived from) IsoplotR and the original Isoplot
ConstrainedSystems.jl7Tools for solving constrained dynamical systems
FastLocalCorrelationCoefficients.jl7Fast computation of local (Pearson) correlation coefficients for arbitrary size tensors of real and complex numbers.
Recombinase.jl7Split and recombine your data
QuantumStateDistributions.jl7Distributions for continuous variables
ONSAS.jl7An Open Nonlinear Structural Analysis Solver in Julia
RealTimeAudioDiffEq.jl7A Julia package for real-time audification of ODEs and SDEs
MimiPAGE2020.jl7PAGE-2020 - a Julia implementation of the PAGE Integrated Assessment Model
MzCore.jl6Traits and low-level utilities for mass spectrometry
BridgeDiffEq.jl6A thin wrapper over Bridge.jl for the SciML scientific machine learning common interface, enabling new methods for neural stochastic differential equations (neural SDEs)
LASDatasets.jl6A Julia package for reading and writing LAS data
TimeSeriesResampler.jl6A Julia library to resample timeseries (from TimeSeries.jl)
Repotomata.jl6Generates a cellular automata animation of the given GitHub repository.
Knockoffs.jl6Variable Selection with Knockoffs
ClimaDiagnostics.jl6A framework to define and output observables and statistics from CliMA simulations
BlochSimulators.jl6Julia package for performing Bloch simulations within the context of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
RigidBodyTools.jl6Tools for creating, moving, and discretizing rigid bodies
CloudCovErr.jl6Pipeline for debiasing and improving error bar estimates for photometry on top of structured/filamentary background.
KdotP.jl6Symmetry-allowed k ⋅ p expansions
KDEstimation.jl6Provides a general framework for implementing and performing Kernel Density Estimation
KaTeX.jl6Julia package to work with KaTeX
RadiationDetectorDSP.jl6Digital signal processing for radiation detectors
Mehrotra.jl6Solver for complemetarity-based dynamics.
CoinbaseProExchange.jl6Julia wrapper for the Coinbase Pro API
Colorfy.jl6Colorfy Julia objects
JetPackWaveFD.jl6Jet operator pack for seismic modeling dependent on WaveFD.jl. Part of the COFII framework.
BiobakeryUtils.jl6A companion package for Microbiome.jl for working with the Biobakery family of computational tools
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