Dependency Packages
HmtArchive.jl1Manage and analyze the Homer Multitext project archive
DiscoDiff.jl1A small package for differentiable discontinuities in Julia.
IceFloeTracker.jl1Julia package for ice floe tracker
Kanones.jl1A julia package implementing the kanones system for building Greek morphological parsers.
Schistoxpkg.jl1Package to perform individual based modelling of schistosomiasis
CitableBase.jl1A Julia module defining the core abstractions of the CITE architecture.
MiseEnPage.jl1Analyze the layout of manuscript pages edited according to the conventions of the Homer Multitext project
DiscreteEntropy.jl1Estimation of Shannon Entropy for Discrete Random Variables
CurricularVisualization.jl1CurricularVisualization.jl is an extension of the CurricularAnalytics.jl toolbox for visualizing curricula and degree plans.
Iris.jl1FDFD code for scattering and spectral analysis of complex media
BetaReader.jl1Transliterate Beta Code Greek to Unicode Greek
MetaCommunityMetrics.jl1MetaCommunityMetrics is a collection of tools and utilities for analyzing meta-communities in Julia. The current version is compatible with julia version 1.9.3.
HmtFacsimileBuilders.jl1A Julia package for building static-page digital facsimiles of scholarly editions.
GrayCoding.jl1Algebraic Theory of q-ry Gray Coding. Encoding, Decoding, Some applications. See
DocumenterDocset.jl1Docset backend for Documenter.jl
ReactionNetworkEvolution.jl1This package simplifies evolutionary algorithms for applications in systems biology. It can be used to generate oscillating reaction networks, networks that match input timeseries data, or fit parameters (rateconstants).
PooksoftAlphaVantageDataStore.jl1Repository for the PooksoftAlphaVantageDataStore Julia package
BoltzmannCollisionIntegral.jl1Julia Evaluation of the Boltzmann Collision Integral for Relativistic, Anisotropic, Binary Interactions
PooksoftAssetModelingKit.jl1Julia package for different types of asset return or price models
StochasticIntegrals.jl1This generates covariance matrices and cholesky decompositions for a set of stochastic integrals.
UnfoldCDL.jl1Deep Unfolded Convolutional Dictionary Learning for motif discovery.
DDR2import.jl1DDR2 file readers for EUROCONTROL NEST files
IntegerTriangles.jl1Integer triangles basics
DiffusiveShockAccelerationModels.jl1Parameterizations for Diffusive Shock Acceleration (DSA) used in Böss et. al. (2023)
ReducedBasisMethods.jl1Reduced Basis Methods for Particle Systems
Tabulae.jl1A julia package implementing the Tabulae system for building Latin morphological parsers.
HmtGutenberg.jl1Generate plain-text editions of texts in the HMT archive in as many formats as you please.
PenultimateDays.jl1A not-at-all useless addition to Julia's Dates standard lib to find penultimate days of the week, month, quarter, and year
NTNk.jl1Unsupervised Machine Learning: Nonnegative Tensor Networks + k-means clustering
NewsLookout.jl0The NewsLookout.jl information retrieval platform powered by the Julia language
CitableTeiReaders.jl0A Julia module for reading documents in a variety of formats to instances of a CitableCorpus.
VectorAlignments.jl0Simple utilities for comparing and aligning vectors.
NumericalAnalysis.jl0This is Numerical Analysis Julia package
CitableParserBuilder.jl0Common infrastructure for building parsers and working with citable morphological datasets.
ExaFMMt.jl0A Julia wrapper for the exafmm-t C++ package.
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