Dependency Packages
NumCME.jl8Direct solution of the Chemical Master Equation in Julia.
RigorousInvariantMeasures.jl8Package for the Rigorous Computation of Invariant Measures
SciMLNLSolve.jl8Nonlinear solver bindings for the SciML Interface
FractionalSystems.jl8Fractional order systems toolbox in Julia.
BinomialSynapses.jl8High-performance Julia package for online learning of binomial synaptic release models
ImmersedLayers.jl8Tools for solving partial differential equations by immersing surfaces and their operations in Cartesian grids
ShipMMG.jl8Ship maneuvering simulation tool with respect to ShipMMG model
PredefinedDynamicalSystems.jl8Collection of predefined dynamical systems for DynamicalSystems.jl
CorrelationFunctions.jl8Various correlation functions for 1,2, and 3 dimensional arrays
GeometricIntegratorsDiffEq.jl8Wrappers for GeometricIntegrators.jl into the SciML common interface for scientific machine learning (SciML)
ParallelNeighbors.jl8Massively-parallel exact nearest neighbor search in Julia.
SchwarzChristoffel.jl8Construct a mapping from the unit circle to a closed polygon.
StochasticGene.jl8Julia module to fit and analyze stochastic gene transcription models
Ananke.jl8GPU Based 3D Finite Volume Fluid code written in Julia
MGVI.jl8Metric Gaussian Variational Inference
Tracking.jl8Modular tracking algorithm for various GNSS Systems
ChaoticDynamicalSystemLibrary.jl8A collection of chaotic ODEs.
ElemCo.jl8Julia implementation of various electron-correlation methods (main focus on coupled cluster methods).
KnetNLPModels.jl8An NLPModels Interface to Knet
PartiallySeparableSolvers.jl8Trust-region methods with partitioned quasi-Newton approximations
GridapBifurcationKit.jl8Allow to use BifurcationKit.jl with Gridap.jl
EBIC.jl7EBIC - a biclustering algorithm in Julia
PyDSTool.jl7A wrapper for the Python PyDSTool library for the SciML Scientific Machine Learning organization
RealTimeAudioDiffEq.jl7A Julia package for real-time audification of ODEs and SDEs
Arena.jl7Collection 3D visualization tools associated with the Caesar.jl and RoME.jl robot navigation packages
VLBISkyModels.jl7Just the Comrade Models
SymbolicsMathLink.jl7Julia package to seamlessly integrate Mathematica's MathLink with Julia's native Symbolics package
ExactFieldSolutions.jl7Full field solutions of Poisson and Stokes problems in 1D, 2D and 3D. Full field solutions to other problems are welcome!
QuadraticProgramNetworks.jl7A package for modeling and solving Quadratic Program Networks.
GraphNetCore.jl7GraphNetCore.jl is a software package for the Julia programming language that provides an the core functionality of the MeshGraphNets.jl package. Some parts are based on the implementation of the MeshGraphNets framework by Google DeepMind for simulating mesh-based physical systems via graph neural networks.
WaveguideQED.jl7Library for simulating time binned photons in Waveguide Quantum Electrodynamics
ONSAS.jl7An Open Nonlinear Structural Analysis Solver in Julia
BinomialGPU.jl7A Julia package for sampling binomial random variates on an nVidia GPU
MOTIFs.jl7DNA Motif discovery that includes the discovery of flexible (long or gapped) motifs.
DifferentiableFrankWolfe.jl7Differentiable wrapper for FrankWolfe.jl convex optimization routines
TensorNetworkCodes.jl7TensorNetworkCodes is a Julia library developed to support the following research:
KiteControllers.jl7Controllers for airborne wind energy systems
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