Dependency Packages
OSMToolset.jl11Tools for Open Steet Map: Point-of-Interest extraction and tiling of map data
OrdinalMultinomialModels.jl11Ordered multinomial models
Deldir.jl11Julia wrapper for Delaunay/Voronoi library
KitML.jl11Lightweight module of neural differential equations in Kinetic.jl
OceanStateEstimation.jl11Climatology, including of the Ocean state
SQLdf.jl10SQL for Julia Tables |> DataFrame
BioFetch.jl10Easily fetch biological sequences from online sources
Mera.jl10Analysis Tool for Astrophysical Simulation Data in the Julia Language
CryoGrid.jl10Next generation permafrost process modeling in the Julia programming language.
MendelPlots.jl10Julia package for plotting results from GWAS
RvSpectML.jl10Better Radial velocities from Stellar Spectroscopy via Machine Learning
FlowAtlas.jl10An interactive explorer for flow cytometry data
FinanceTools.jl10Various tools to process financial time series
Epicrop.jl10Simulation modelling of crop diseases using a Healthy-Latent-Infectious-Postinfectious (HLIP) model in Julia
MLJIteration.jl10A package for wrapping iterative MLJ models in a control strategy
ParameterSpacePartitions.jl10A Julia package for mapping qualitative data patterns to regions of a model's parameter space.
EFTfitter.jl10A tool for the combination and EFT interpretation of measurements in Julia
LinearRegressionKit.jl10Linear Regression for Julia
Bagyo.jl10Toolkit for extraction and analysis of typhoon/climate data in the Western-North Pacific (WNP) region
Devito.jl10Julia wrapper for Devito functionality. Part of the COFII framework.
PolygenicRiskScores.jl10Polygenic Risk Scoring in pure Julia
PkgSwaps.jl10'Pareto optimal' package recommendations for your current dependencies.
OdsIO.jl10ODS (LibreOffice, OpenOffice and many more..) I/O for Julia using the python ezodf module
DataEnvelopmentAnalysis.jl10A Julia package for efficiency and productivity measurement using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA)
IESopt.jl10IESopt (Integrated Energy System Optimization) is a modeling and optimization framework for integrated energy systems.
NetSurvival.jl10A pure-Julia take on standard net survival routines
MonolithicFEMVLFS.jl9A monolithic Finite Element formulation for the hydroelastic analysis of Very Large Floating Structures
AbnormalReturns.jl9Calculate regressions and abnormal returns for large return datasets quickly
QuartetNetworkGoodnessFit.jl9Julia package for phylogenetic networks analyses using 4-taxon subsets.
ScatterNNlib.jl9A scatter operation library for neural network
ModiaBase.jl9Core algorithms for equation-based modeling
GenomicVectors.jl9Computations on genome locations, inspired by BioConductor.
RuleMiner.jl9Association Rule Mining in Julia
FSimROS.jl9A package of FlightSims.jl family for ROS2.
FletcherPenaltySolver.jl9Fletcher's penalty method for nonlinear optimization models
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