Dependency Packages
FluxTraining.jl119A flexible neural net training library inspired by
ProbNumDiffEq.jl118Probabilistic Numerical Differential Equation solvers via Bayesian filtering and smoothing
ODEFilters.jl118Probabilistic Numerical Differential Equation solvers via Bayesian filtering and smoothing
AlgebraicMultigrid.jl117Algebraic Multigrid in Julia
SymbolicNumericIntegration.jl116SymbolicNumericIntegration.jl: Symbolic-Numerics for Solving Integrals
Causal.jl115Causal.jl - A modeling and simulation framework adopting causal modeling approach.
LowLevelParticleFilters.jl114State estimation, smoothing and parameter estimation using Kalman and particle filters.
ModelingToolkitStandardLibrary.jl112A standard library of components to model the world and beyond
FunctionalModels.jl112Equation-based modeling and simulations in Julia
PowerDynamics.jl104Package for dynamical modeling of power grids
ReactiveMP.jl99High-performance reactive message-passing based Bayesian inference engine
ViscousFlow.jl97A framework for simulating viscous incompressible flows about arbitrary body shapes.
FundamentalsNumericalComputation.jl97Core functions for the Julia (2nd) edition of the text Fundamentals of Numerical Computation, by Driscoll and Braun.
DiffEqCallbacks.jl94A library of useful callbacks for hybrid scientific machine learning (SciML) with augmented differential equation solvers
ModelingToolkitDesigner.jl94A helper tool for visualizing and editing a ModelingToolkit.jl system connections
FMI.jl84FMI.jl is a free-to-use software library for the Julia programming language which integrates FMI ( load or create, parameterize, differentiate and simulate FMUs seamlessly inside the Julia programming language!
JuLIP.jl83Julia Library for Interatomic Potentials
OrbitalTrajectories.jl83OrbitalTrajectories.jl is a modern orbital trajectory design, optimisation, and analysis library for Julia, providing methods and tools for designing spacecraft orbits and transfers via high-performance simulations of astrodynamical models.
EasyModelAnalysis.jl79High level functions for analyzing the output of simulations
ClimaAtmos.jl79ClimaAtmos.jl is a library for building atmospheric circulation models that is designed from the outset to leverage data assimilation and machine learning tools. We welcome contributions!
ParameterizedFunctions.jl77A simple domain-specific language (DSL) for defining differential equations for use in scientific machine learning (SciML) and other applications
SemanticModels.jl77A julia package for representing and manipulating model semantics
Tilde.jl75WIP successor to Soss.jl
Modia3D.jl74Modeling and Simulation of 3D systems
MultiScaleArrays.jl73A framework for developing multi-scale arrays for use in scientific machine learning (SciML) simulations
ReactionMechanismSimulator.jl72The amazing Reaction Mechanism Simulator for simulating large chemical kinetic mechanisms
OpenQuantumTools.jl72Julia toolkit for open quantum system simulation.
InfiniteArrays.jl72A Julia package for representing infinite-dimensional arrays
IonSim.jl71A simple tool for simulating trapped ion systems
RigidBodySim.jl71Simulation and visualization of articulated rigid body systems in Julia
HighDimPDE.jl71A Julia package for Deep Backwards Stochastic Differential Equation (Deep BSDE) and Feynman-Kac methods to solve high-dimensional PDEs without the curse of dimensionality
TuringGLM.jl71Bayesian Generalized Linear models using `@formula` syntax.
QuantumCumulants.jl70Generalized mean-field equations in open quantum systems
DIVAnd.jl70DIVAnd performs an n-dimensional variational analysis of arbitrarily located observations
ODINN.jl68Global glacier model using Universal Differential Equations for climate-glacier interactions
WorldDynamics.jl65An open-source framework written in Julia for global integrated assessment models.
ModelPredictiveControl.jl63An open source model predictive control package for Julia.
JutulDarcy.jl62Darcy flow and reservoir simulator based on Jutul.jl
AtomicGraphNets.jl62Atomic graph models for molecules and crystals in Julia
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