Dependency Packages
K8sClusterManagers.jl31A Julia cluster manager for Kubernetes
DBnomics.jl29Access DBnomics data series from Julia.
Neo4jBolt.jl29Neo4j Bolt driver for Julia supports Neo4j 3.0 and above
CoinbasePro.jl28A Julia interface to the CoinbasePro API.
Azure.jl28Julia interface to Azure APIs
LocalSearchSolvers.jl27A Julia package to manage Constraint-Based Local Search (CBLS) solvers.
SOM.jl26Kohonen's self-organising maps for Julia
AWSSDK.jl24Julia APIs for all public Amazon Web Services (requires AWSCore.jl)
SpaceLiDAR.jl23A Julia package for working with ICESat-2 & GEDI data as part of my PhD research
TidierFiles.jl23Tidier file reading and writing in Julia, modeled after the readr, haven, readxl, and writexl R packages.
DistributedFactorGraphs.jl22Abstraction layer for spanning factor graphs over various technologies
OrdinalGWAS.jl21Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) for ordered categorical phenotypes
GenieAuthentication.jl20Authentication plugin for Genie framework
Cropbox.jl19🌾 declarative crop modeling framework
BraketAHS.jl18Simulating Rydberg atom dynamics with Tensor Networks
TidierDates.jl18Tidier date transformations in Julia, modeled after the lubridate R package.
TimeDag.jl17A computational graph for time-series processing.
CrossfilterCharts.jl17A Julia package for automagical DC.js linked charts in your IJulia notebook
Wasabi.jl17ORM for Julia
PredictMD.jl17Uniform interface for machine learning in Julia
PkgToSoftwareBOM.jl16Produces a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) describing your Julia Pkg environment. SBOM is in the SPDX format
JuliaHub.jl14A Julia client for the JuliaHub platform
SoapySDR.jl14Julia Wrappers for SoapySDR
CryptoDashApp.jl13Julia dashboard for analysis of cryptocurrency market data
CompositionalNetworks.jl13A Julia package for Interpretable Compositional Networks (ICN), a variant of neural networks, allowing the user to get interpretable results, unlike regular artificial neural networks.
FHIRClient.jl13Julia client for connecting to FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) servers and building SMART on FHIR applications
BigArrays.jl13Storing and accessing large Julia array locally or in cloud storage without server.
Hydro.jl13A modular hydrodynamic code written in pure Julia
BumpStdlibs.jl12Update the hashes and checksums of all Julia stdlibs in just four clicks.
GitForge.jl12Unified interface for interacting with Git forges
PyramidScheme.jl12Building and using pyramids for large raster data
Checkpoints.jl12A package for dynamically checkpointing program state
ADRIA.jl12ADRIA: Adaptive Dynamic Reef Intervention Algorithms. A multi-criteria decision support platform for informing reef restoration and adaptation interventions.
OrdinalMultinomialModels.jl11Ordered multinomial models
EnKF.jl11Develop tools for ensemble Kalman filter
AdventOfCode.jl10Helper library for working with Advent of Code in Julia
MaximinOPF.jl9A Julia/JuMP Package for N-k Contingency Analysis in Power Systems
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