Dependency Packages
Weave.jl824Scientific reports/literate programming for Julia
DiffEqTutorials.jl713Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software.
SciMLTutorials.jl713Tutorials for doing scientific machine learning (SciML) and high-performance differential equation solving with open source software.
PkgTemplates.jl634Create new Julia packages, the easy way
PlotlyJS.jl419Julia library for plotting with plotly.js
BinaryBuilder.jl387Binary Dependency Builder for Julia
Blink.jl360Web-based GUIs for Julia
SciMLBenchmarks.jl318Scientific machine learning (SciML) benchmarks, AI for science, and (differential) equation solvers. Covers Julia, Python (PyTorch, Jax), MATLAB, R
PowerSystems.jl306Data structures in Julia to enable power systems analysis. Part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at the National Renewable Energy Lab.
PowerSimulations.jl279Julia for optimization simulation and modeling of PowerSystems. Part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at the National Renewable Energy Lab.
Registrator.jl210Julia package registration bot
PowerSimulationsDynamics.jl173Julia package to run Dynamic Power System simulations. Part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at the National Renewable Energy Lab.
Eirene.jl116Julia library for homological persistence
MRIsim.jl111Koma is a Pulseq-compatible framework to efficiently simulate Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) acquisitions. The main focus of this package is to simulate general scenarios that could arise in pulse sequence development.
KomaMRI.jl111Koma is a Pulseq-compatible framework to efficiently simulate Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) acquisitions. The main focus of this package is to simulate general scenarios that could arise in pulse sequence development.
Plotly.jl96A Julia interface to the plotting library and cloud services
Publish.jl96A universal document authoring package for Julia.
ECharts.jl84Julia package for the Apache ECharts v4 visualization library
VariantVisualization.jl84Julia package powering VIVA, our tool for visualization of genomic variation data. Manual:
PkgDev.jl71Tools for Julia package developers
RigidBodySim.jl71Simulation and visualization of articulated rigid body systems in Julia
DIVAnd.jl70DIVAnd performs an n-dimensional variational analysis of arbitrarily located observations
ODINN.jl68Global glacier model using Universal Differential Equations for climate-glacier interactions
DemoCards.jl66Let's focus on writing demos
WorldDynamics.jl65An open-source framework written in Julia for global integrated assessment models.
Sherlock.jl58A high functioning package detective.
AppBundler.jl51Bundle your Julia application
IonCLI.jl46The Ion CLI for Julia.
FloatingTableView.jl42Easy table viewing in a pop-up window in Julia
InfrastructureSystems.jl39Utility package for Sienna's simulation infrastructure
Glimmer.jl37A Julia package for UI development
SIIPExamples.jl37Examples of how to use the modeling capabilities developed under the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at NREL.
Diagonalizations.jl35Diagonalization procedures for Julia (PCA, Whitening, MCA, gMCA, CCA, gCCA, CSP, CSTP, AJD, mAJD)
ElectricGrid.jl31A time domain electrical energy grid modeling and simulation tool with a focus on the control of power electronics converters
PowerGraphics.jl30A package to generate visualizations from PowerSimulations.jl results. Part of the Scalable Integrated Infrastructure Planning Initiative at the National Renewable Energy Lab.
UncertaintyQuantification.jl28Uncertainty Quantification in Julia
GeoThermalCloud.jl24Geothermal Cloud for Machine Learning
LearningAlgebraicVarieties.jl23Learning Algebraic Varieties from Samples
GeneDrive.jl21A package designed for simulating biological dynamics and control.
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