Dependency Packages
BioMASS.jl0Julia interface to BioMASS
FaSTLMMlight.jl0Lightweight Factored Spectrally Transformed Linear Mixed Models
NeXLParticle.jl0SEM/EDS particle analysis tools
LifeInsuranceContracts.jl0Businees functions for life insurance contract and product management
QuantumESPRESSOExpress.jl0A plugin of Express.jl for handling the ab initio software Quantum ESPRESSO
HCGeoTherm.jl0Geotherm calculation routines according to Dr. Derrek Hasterok and Dr. David Chapman
BitemporalReactive.jl0A prototype of a reactive Webapp for bitemporal data management of insurance contracts.
VirtualAgeModels.jl0Virtual Age Models for Julia
Skyler.jl0Julia package for recovering stratified spaces underlying point clouds.
LiquidElectrolytes.jl0Generalized Nernst-Planck-Poisson model for liquid electrolytes
TruncatedMVN.jl0Reimplementation of a truncated multivariate distribution with fast, exact minimax-tilting based sampling.
PyCaesar.jl0Python extensions relating to Caesar.jl
GalacticPotentials.jl0Common galactic potential models as ModelingToolkit systems!
TumorGrowth.jl0Simple predictive models for tumor growth, and tools to apply them to clinical data
MPISphericalHarmonics.jl0Julia package for handling measured data for spherical t-designs.
SpatialOmicsGPs.jl0Gaussian process models for spatial transcriptomics
PsychometricsBazzarBase.jl0Base package for JuliaPsychometricsBazaar ecosystem
PsychometricsBazaarBase.jl0Base package for JuliaPsychometricsBazaar ecosystem
MTKHelpers.jl0Helper functions with ModelingToolkit
DynamicModelTestUtils.jl0A simple package for MTK-based model testing
GModelFitViewer.jl0GModelFitViewer - web viewer for the GModelFit produced results
ProcessBasedModelling.jl0Build equations with informative errors for missing variables by explicitly assigning a process to each variable of the equations
GittinsIndices.jl0A julia package to compute Gittins Indices for Multi Armed Bandits
ProbabilisticParameterEstimators.jl0Parameter estimation under uncertainty.
PCCAPlus.jl0Julia implementation of PCCA+
EnvironmentalTransport.jl0Algorithms for the transport of mass and energy in the environment
FSInteraction.jl0A framework for simulating dynamical structures coupling with viscous incompressible flows
MetidaFreq.jl0Metida frequency tables.
AstrodynamicalSolvers.jl0Common solvers within orbital mechanics and astrodynamics.
MetidaNLopt.jl0NLopt.jl implementation for Metida.jl
PooksoftOptionsKit.jl0Julia package with methods for computing options pricing, profit and loss
NonconvexAugLagLab.jl0Experimental augmented Lagrangian package.
SurfaceCoverage.jl0A package for the calculation of steady state coverages for a given gas composition, T and p
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