Dependency Packages
ForestBiometrics.jl7A library for various forest mensuration and biometrics functions in Julia
GenieAuthorisation.jl7Role based authorisation (RBA) plugin for Genie.jl
ObjectivePaths.jl7"yet another paths system"
ImgHdr.jl7Library to Check Type of Image
PointProcessInference.jl7Statistical inference for Poisson Processes
Phonetics.jl7A collection of functions to analyze phonetic data
Curves.jl7A collection of points (x, y), together with an interpolation and extrapolation method, on which standard calculation functions are defined.
SymbolicsMathLink.jl7Julia package to seamlessly integrate Mathematica's MathLink with Julia's native Symbolics package
RELOG.jl7RELOG: Reverse Logistics Optimization
CVortex.jl7Julia wrapper for GPU accelerated vortex filament and vortex particle methods
SemiclassicalOrthogonalPolynomials.jl7A Julia repository for semiclassical orthogonal polynomials
ConceptualClimateModels.jl7ConceptualClimateModels.jl is a Julia package for creating and analysing conceptual models of climate, such as energy balance models, glaciation cycle models, or climate tipping models.
Firebird.jl7A Julia interface to the Firebird RDBMS
LocallyWeightedRegression.jl7Locally weighted regression solver for the GeoStats.jl framework
Garlic.jl7🧄 garlic growth simulation model
EvolutionaryModelingTools.jl7Simulate evolutionary biology models with Gillespie algorithm.
ExactFieldSolutions.jl7Full field solutions of Poisson and Stokes problems in 1D, 2D and 3D. Full field solutions to other problems are welcome!
NistyPQC.jl7Post-Quantum Cryptography for Julia
NTFk.jl7Nonnegative Tensor Factorization + k-means clustering and physics constraints for Unsupervised and Physics-Informed Machine Learning
CEEDesigns.jl7A decision-making framework for the cost-efficient design of experiments, balancing the value of acquired experimental evidence and incurred costs.
Pitaya.jl7A Julia interface to the Crossref REST API
StateSpaceDynamics.jl7Julia library for fitting and analyzing state space models. Provides efficient implementations of various SSMs including the canonical Gaussian LDS (Kalman Filter/Smoother), Poisson LDS, HMMs, etc.
PseudoPotentialIO.jl7Support for reading and using pseudopotentials in Julia
CharFuncPricing.jl7Julia package to provide reference European option prices for stochastic volatility models with a known characteristic function, such as the Heston stochastic volatility model.
StanModels.jl7Stan versions of StatisticalRethinking models.
MolecularGaussians.jl7Alignment and comparison of small molecules read from .sdf files represented as Gaussian Mixture Models.
TensorNetworkCodes.jl7TensorNetworkCodes is a Julia library developed to support the following research:
KiteControllers.jl7Controllers for airborne wind energy systems
PhysicalParticles.jl7Physical vector and particle types for Julia
KinematicDriver.jl7Prescribed flow models for testing cloud microphysics schemes.
StableHashTraits.jl7Compute hashes over any Julia object simply and reproducibly
Kinematic1D.jl7Prescribed flow models for testing cloud microphysics schemes.
CherenkovDeconvolution.jl7Deconvolution algorithms popular in Cherenkov astronomy
ClusteredLowRankSolver.jl7A semidefinite programming solver for clustered low-rank SDPs
Glycolysis.jl6Package for modeling glycolysis activity
KdotP.jl6Symmetry-allowed k ⋅ p expansions
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