
Compute hashes over any Julia object simply and reproducibly
Author beacon-biosignals
4 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
November 2021


Project Status: Active – The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed. GitHub Actions codecov Code Style: YASGuide

The aim of StableHashTraits is to make it easy to compute a stable hash of any Julia value with minimal boilerplate using trait-based dispatch; here, "stable" means the value will not change across Julia versions (or between Julia sessions).

For example:

struct MyType
StableHashTraits.hash_method(::MyType) = UseProperties()

stable_hash(MyType(1,2)) == stable_hash((a=1, b=2)) # true

Why use stable_hash instead of Base.hash?

This package can be useful when:

  • you want to be ensure the hash value will not change when you update Julia or start a new session, OR
  • you want to compute a hash for an object that does not have hash defined.

This is useful for content-addressed caching, in which e.g. some function of a value is stored at a location determined by a hash. Given the value, one can recompute the hash to determine where to look to see if the function evaluation on that value has already been cached.

It isn't intended for secure hashing.


There is one exported method: stable_hash. You call this on any number of objects and the returned value is a hash of those objects (the argument order matters).

You can customize its behavior for particular types by implementing the trait StableHashTraits.hash_method. Any method of hash_method should simply return one of the following values.

  1. UseWrite(): writes the object to a binary format using StableHashTraits.write(io, x) and takes a hash of that (this is the default behavior). StableHashTraits.write(io, x) falls back to Base.write(io, x) if no specialized methods are defined for x.
  2. UseIterate(): assumes the object is iterable and finds a hash of all elements
  3. UseProperties(): assumes a struct of some type and uses propertynames and getproperty to compute a hash of all fields. You can further customize its behavior by passing the symbol :ByOrder (to hash properties in the order they are listed by propertynames), which is the default, or :ByName (sorting properties by their name before hashing).
  4. UseTable(): assumes the object is a Tables.istable and uses Tables.columns and Tables.columnnames to compute a hash of each columns content and name, ala UseProperties. This method should rarely need to be specified by the user, as the fallback method for Any should normally handle this case.
  5. UseQualifiedName(): hash the string parentmodule(T).nameof(T) where T is the type of the object. Throws an error if the name includes # (e.g. an anonymous function). If you wish to include this qualified name and another method, pass one of the other methods as an arugment (e.g. UseQualifiedName(UseProperties())). This can be used to include the type as part of the hash. Do you want a named tuple with the same properties as your custom struct to hash to the same value? If you don't, then use UseQualifiedName.
  6. UseSize(method): hash the result of calling size on the object and use method to hash the contents of the value (e.g. UseIterate).

Your hash will be stable if the output for the given method remains the same: e.g. if write is the same for an object that uses UseWrite, its hash will be the same; if the properties are the same for UseProperties, the hash will be the same; etc...

Implemented methods of hash_method

  • Any: either
    • UseWrite() OR
    • UseTable() for any object x where Tables.istable(x) is true
  • Function: UseQualifiedName()
  • NamedTuples: UseProperties()
  • AbstractVector, Tuple, Pair: UseIterate()
  • AbstractArray: UseSize(UseIterate())
  • Missing, Nothing: UseQualifiedNamed()
  • VersionNumber: UseProperties()
  • UUID: UseProperties()
  • Dates.AbstractTime: UseProperties()

For more complicated scenarios where impleneting hash_method will not suffice, refer to the documentaiton of transform and write. For instance Set objects are supported using transform.

Breaking changes

In 0.3:

To prevent reshaped arrays from having the same hash (stable_hash([1 2; 3 4]) == stable_hash(vec([1 2; 3 4]))) the hashes for all arrays with more than 1 dimension have changed.

In 0.2:

To support hasing of all tables (Tables.istable(x) == true), hashes have changed for such objects when:

  1. calling stable_hash(x) did not previously error
  2. x is not a DataFrame (these previosuly errored)
  3. x is not a NamedTuple of tables columns (these have the same hash as before)
  4. x is not an AbstractArray of NamedTuple rows (these have the same hash as before)
  5. x can be succefully written to an IO buffer via Base.write or StableHashTraits.write (otherwise it previosuly errored)
  6. x has no specialized stable_hash method defined for it (otherwise the hash will be the same)

Any such table now uses the method UseTable, rather than UseWrite, and so would have the same hash as a DataFrame or NamedTuple with the same column contents instead of its previous hash value. For example if you had a custom table type MyCustomTable for which you only defined a StableHashTraits.write method and no hash_method, its hash will be changed unless you now define hash_method(::MyCustomTable) = UseWrite().

Avoiding Type Piracy

It can be very tempting to define hash_method for types that were defined by another package or from Base. This is type piracy, and can easily lead to two different packags defining the same method: in this case, the method which gets used depends on the order of using statements... yuck.

To avoid this problem, it is possible to define a version of any method you specialize (e.g. hash_method, transform and/or write) with one additional argument. This final argument can be anything you want, so long as it is a type you have defined. For example:

using DataFrames
struct MyContext end
StableHashTraits.hash_method(::DataFrame, ::MyContext) = UseProperties(:ByOrder)
stable_hash(DataFrames(a=1:2, b=1:2); context=MyContext())

By default the context is StableHashTraits.GlobalContext and fall back methods are defined that pass through to the methods without a context argument (e.g. hash_method(x, context) = hash_method(x))

In this way, you only need to define methods for the types that have non-default behavior for your context; furthermore, those who have no need of a particular context objects can simply define methods without it.

Hashing gotcha's

Here-in is a list of hash collisions that have been deemed to be acceptable in practice:

  • stable_hash(sin) == stable_hash("Base.sin")
  • stable_hash([1,2,3]) == stable_hash((1,2,3))
  • stable_hash(DataFrame(x=1:10)) == stable_hash((; x=collect(1:10)))
  • stable_hash(1:10) == stable_hash((;start=1, stop=10))

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