Dependency Packages
MagNav.jl101MagNav: airborne Magnetic anomaly Navigation
GLPK.jl101A Julia interface to the GNU Linear Programming Kit
ZigZagBoomerang.jl100Sleek implementations of the ZigZag, Boomerang and other assorted piecewise deterministic Markov processes for Markov Chain Monte Carlo including Sticky PDMPs for variable selection
YAXArrays.jl100Yet Another XArray-like Julia package
ImageFiltering.jl99Julia implementations of multidimensional array convolution and nonlinear stencil operations
ReactiveMP.jl99High-performance reactive message-passing based Bayesian inference engine
Braket.jl98Experimental Julia implementation of the Amazon Braket SDK
DynamicAxisWarping.jl98Dynamic Time Warping (DTW) and related algorithms in Julia, at Julia speeds
GaussianMixtures.jl98Large scale Gaussian Mixture Models
MathTeXEngine.jl97A latex math mode engine in pure Julia.
ViscousFlow.jl97A framework for simulating viscous incompressible flows about arbitrary body shapes.
NetworkLayout.jl97Layout algorithms for graphs and trees in pure Julia.
FundamentalsNumericalComputation.jl97Core functions for the Julia (2nd) edition of the text Fundamentals of Numerical Computation, by Driscoll and Braun.
JWAS.jl96Julia for Whole-genome Analysis Software
JUDI.jl96Julia Devito inversion.
Publish.jl96A universal document authoring package for Julia.
UnROOT.jl96Native Julia I/O package to work with CERN ROOT files objects (TTree and RNTuple)
ArnoldiMethod.jl96The Arnoldi Method with Krylov-Schur restart, natively in Julia.
MacroModelling.jl95Macros and functions to work with DSGE models.
Dualization.jl95Automatic dualization feature for MathOptInterface.jl
DiffEqCallbacks.jl94A library of useful callbacks for hybrid scientific machine learning (SciML) with augmented differential equation solvers
SummationByPartsOperators.jl94A Julia library of summation-by-parts (SBP) operators used in finite difference, Fourier pseudospectral, continuous Galerkin, and discontinuous Galerkin methods to get provably stable semidiscretizations, paying special attention to boundary conditions.
ModelingToolkitDesigner.jl94A helper tool for visualizing and editing a ModelingToolkit.jl system connections
HMMBase.jl94Hidden Markov Models for Julia.
SCIP.jl94Julia interface to SCIP solver
OptimalTransport.jl94Optimal transport algorithms for Julia
BasicBSpline.jl93Basic (mathematical) operations for B-spline functions and related things with julia
ProxSDP.jl93Semidefinite programming optimization solver
KittyTerminalImages.jl93A package that allows Julia to display images in the kitty terminal editor
Semagrams.jl93A graphical editor for graph-like structures
FrankWolfe.jl92Julia implementation for various Frank-Wolfe and Conditional Gradient variants
QuantumInformation.jl92A Julia package for numerical computation in quantum information theory
ManifoldLearning.jl92A Julia package for manifold learning and nonlinear dimensionality reduction
NonlinearEigenproblems.jl92Nonlinear eigenvalue problems in Julia: Iterative methods and benchmarks
BetaML.jl92Beta Machine Learning Toolkit
TSFrames.jl92Timeseries in Julia
BayesianOptimization.jl91Bayesian optimization for Julia
TensorNetworkAD.jl91Algorithms that combine tensor network methods with automatic differentiation
ARCHModels.jl90A Julia package for estimating ARMA-GARCH models.
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