Dependency Packages
PlotThemes.jl122Themes for the Julia plotting package Plots.jl
Suppressor.jl121Julia macros for suppressing and/or capturing output (STDOUT), warnings (STDERR) or both streams at the same time.
LabelledArrays.jl120Arrays which also have a label for each element for easy scientific machine learning (SciML)
LineSearches.jl115Line search methods for optimization and root-finding
Parsers.jl114Fast parsing machinery for basic types in Julia
DocStringExtensions.jl114Extensions for Julia's docsystem.
PreallocationTools.jl111Tools for building non-allocating pre-cached functions in Julia, allowing for GC-free usage of automatic differentiation in complex codes
PDMats.jl104Uniform Interface for positive definite matrices of various structures
RuntimeGeneratedFunctions.jl100Functions generated at runtime without world-age issues or overhead
OrderedCollections.jl92Julia implementation of associative containers that preserve insertion order
SparseArrays.jl88SparseArrays.jl is a Julia stdlib
TimeZones.jl87IANA time zone database access for the Julia programming language
TranscodingStreams.jl85Simple, consistent interfaces for any codec.
UnPack.jl84`@pack!` and `@unpack` macros
InvertedIndices.jl81A simple index type that allows for inverted selections
FixedPointNumbers.jl79Fixed point types for julia
Tar.jl79TAR files: create, list, extract them in pure Julia
AstroLib.jl78Bundle of small astronomical and astrophysical routines.
ColorTypes.jl78Basic color definitions and traits
ExprTools.jl78Light-weight expression manipulation tools
DiffRules.jl76A simple shared suite of common derivative definitions
LogExpFunctions.jl74Julia package for various special functions based on `log` and `exp`.
Missings.jl70Missing value support for Julia
Mocking.jl61Allows Julia function calls to be temporarily overloaded for the purpose of testing
Scratch.jl58Scratch spaces for all your persistent mutable data needs
SortingAlgorithms.jl53Extra sorting algorithms extending Julia's sorting API
NaNMath.jl53Julia math built-ins which return NaN and accumulator functions which ignore NaN
CodecZlib.jl50Zlib codecs for TranscodingStreams.jl.
MutableArithmetics.jl49Interface for arithmetics on mutable types in Julia
PaddedViews.jl49Add virtual padding to the edges of an array
PooledArrays.jl48A pooled representation for arrays with few unique elements
SHA.jl46A performant, 100% native-julia SHA1, SHA2, and SHA3 implementation
InlineStrings.jl46Fixed-width string types for Julia
Contour.jl44Calculating contour curves for 2D scalar fields in Julia
MbedTLS.jl41Wrapper around mbedtls
PositiveFactorizations.jl38Positive-definite "approximations" to matrices
Format.jl37A Julia package to provide C and Python-like formatting support
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