Dependency Packages
Measures.jl13Unified measure and coordinates types
TableTraits.jl13Traits for julia tables
ExponentialFamily.jl12ExponentialFamily.jl is a Julia package that extends the functionality of Distributions.jl by providing a collection of exponential family distributions and customized implementations.
DensityInterface.jl12Interface for mathematical/statistical densities in Julia
CEnum.jl12C-compatible enum for Julia
IteratorInterfaceExtensions.jl11Traits for julia iterators
ChangesOfVariables.jl11Interface for transformation functions in Julia
ManifoldDiff.jl10Differentiation on manifolds
CommonWorldInvalidations.jl9Fixing the world one invalidator at a time.
AliasTables.jl8An efficient sampler for discrete random variables
Showoff.jl8Nicely format an array of n things for tables and plots
PolyesterWeave.jl7Scheduler for Polyester.jl and compatible libraries such as LoopVectorization.jl.
ExceptionUnwrapping.jl5"I started by producing, and the rapping came second to that, because I wanted to fill out the beat." - Awkwafina
RealDot.jl4Compute `real(dot(x, y))` efficiently.
CompositeTypes.jl4A common interface for composite types, which may consist of several components
Grisu.jl4The old Base.Grisu module made into a package
SimpleBufferStream.jl4What Base.BufferStream should be
BitTwiddlingConvenienceFunctions.jl3Bit twiddling convenience functions.
TinyHugeNumbers.jl3The package exports context dependent tiny and huge numbers.
SIMDTypes.jl2Type declarations for other repos to depend on.
BayesBase.jl1BayesBase is a package that serves as an umbrella, defining, exporting, and re-exporting methods essential for Bayesian statistics
FastCholesky.jl0A small package that provides fast Cholesky factorization
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