Dependency Packages
DataFrames.jl1725In-memory tabular data in Julia
Revise.jl1189Automatically update function definitions in a running Julia session
StaticArrays.jl761Statically sized arrays for Julia
DataStructures.jl690Julia implementation of Data structures
TimerOutputs.jl651Formatted output of timed sections in Julia
BenchmarkTools.jl607A benchmarking framework for the Julia language
Interpolations.jl523Fast, continuous interpolation of discrete datasets in Julia
Graphs.jl457An optimized graphs package for the Julia programming language
PrettyTables.jl403Print data in formatted tables.
Infiltrator.jl402No-overhead breakpoints in Julia
HDF5.jl386Save and load data in the HDF5 file format from Julia
MPI.jl375MPI wrappers for Julia
Roots.jl342Root finding functions for Julia
StructArrays.jl319Efficient implementation of struct arrays in Julia
GPUArrays.jl317Reusable array functionality for Julia's various GPU backends.
JSON.jl311JSON parsing and printing
MacroTools.jl310MacroTools provides a library of tools for working with Julia code and expressions.
Tables.jl299An interface for tables in Julia
MAT.jl278Julia module for reading MATLAB files
XLSX.jl272Excel file reader and writer for the Julia language.
ChainRulesCore.jl253AD-backend agnostic system defining custom forward and reverse mode rules. This is the light weight core to allow you to define rules for your functions in your packages, without depending on any particular AD system.
LaTeXStrings.jl207Convenient input and display of LaTeX equation strings for the Julia language
PrecompileTools.jl204Reduce time-to-first-execution of Julia code
Requires.jl195Lazy code loading for Julia
OffsetArrays.jl195Fortran-like arrays with arbitrary, zero or negative starting indices.
Accessors.jl175Update immutable data
SIMD.jl167Explicit SIMD vector operations for Julia
Reexport.jl162Julia macro for re-exporting one module from another
JuliaInterpreter.jl162Interpreter for Julia code
SimpleTraits.jl155Simple Traits for Julia
Crayons.jl149Colored and styled strings for terminals.
NCDatasets.jl146Load and create NetCDF files in Julia
Compat.jl145Compatibility across Julia versions
TestEnv.jl136Activate your test enviroment, so you can use your test dependencies in the REPL
CodeTracking.jl131It's editing-time, do you know where your methods are?
LLVM.jl130Julia wrapper for the LLVM C API
Preferences.jl129Project Preferences Package
YAML.jl128Parse yer YAMLs
EzXML.jl122XML/HTML handling tools for primates
Parsers.jl114Fast parsing machinery for basic types in Julia
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