Dependency Packages
DataFrames.jl1725In-memory tabular data in Julia
StaticArrays.jl761Statically sized arrays for Julia
DataStructures.jl690Julia implementation of Data structures
HTTP.jl632HTTP for Julia
Distances.jl425A Julia package for evaluating distances (metrics) between vectors.
NearestNeighbors.jl413High performance nearest neighbor data structures (KDTree and BallTree) and algorithms for Julia.
PrettyTables.jl403Print data in formatted tables.
Tables.jl299An interface for tables in Julia
Polyester.jl241The cheapest threads you can find!
LaTeXStrings.jl207Convenient input and display of LaTeX equation strings for the Julia language
PrecompileTools.jl204Reduce time-to-first-execution of Julia code
Requires.jl195Lazy code loading for Julia
CoordinateTransformations.jl179A fresh approach to coordinate transformations...
Reexport.jl162Julia macro for re-exporting one module from another
Crayons.jl149Colored and styled strings for terminals.
Compat.jl145Compatibility across Julia versions
LoggingExtras.jl139Composable Loggers for the Julia Logging StdLib
ArrayInterface.jl133Designs for new Base array interface primitives, used widely through scientific machine learning (SciML) and other organizations
Preferences.jl129Project Preferences Package
Parsers.jl114Fast parsing machinery for basic types in Julia
OrderedCollections.jl92Julia implementation of associative containers that preserve insertion order
GeoInterface.jl90A Julia Protocol for Geospatial Data
SparseArrays.jl88SparseArrays.jl is a Julia stdlib
TranscodingStreams.jl85Simple, consistent interfaces for any codec.
InvertedIndices.jl81A simple index type that allows for inverted selections
StructTypes.jl79Abstract definitions and convenience methods for describing, processing, and constructing Julia objects
Missings.jl70Missing value support for Julia
CpuId.jl54Ask the CPU for cache sizes, SIMD feature support, a running hypervisor, and more.
SortingAlgorithms.jl53Extra sorting algorithms extending Julia's sorting API
Static.jl52Static types useful for dispatch and generated functions.
CodecZlib.jl50Zlib codecs for TranscodingStreams.jl.
PooledArrays.jl48A pooled representation for arrays with few unique elements
Proj.jl48Julia wrapper for the PROJ cartographic projections library
InlineStrings.jl46Fixed-width string types for Julia
MbedTLS.jl41Wrapper around mbedtls
DataAPI.jl33A data-focused namespace for packages to share functions
ManualMemory.jl31Manual memory management utilities.
BaseDirs.jl31A cross platform implementation of the XDG Directory Spec
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