18 Packages since 2016
User Packages
PredictMD.jl17Uniform interface for machine learning in Julia
ClassImbalance.jl11Sampling-based methods for correcting for class imbalance in two-category classification problems
ExtensibleUnions.jl7Prototype of abstract multiple inheritance in Julia via extensible (mutable) type unions
VersionVigilante.jl6Enforce the rule that all pull requests must increase the version number
PreprocessMD.jl6Medically-informed data preprocessing for machine learning
XMLconvert.jl5Functions for converting XML documents to other formats
REDCap.jl4Julia wrapper for the REDCap API
MicroCoverage.jl2Code coverage generation for Julia, implemented in pure Julia
DeIdentification.jl2A Julia package for de-identifying CSV data sets
ManifestUtilities.jl1Tools for manipulating Julia manifest files and their associated dependency graphs
AddLatest.jl1Ensure that you are installing the latest version of a Julia package
CleanUpPullRequestPreviews.jl1Automatically delete old pull request previews from Documenter, Franklin, etc.
ExistingProcessManagers.jl1Provides the ExistingProcessManager cluster manager for telling Distributed about Julia worker processes that you have already started
MaximumLikelihoodProblems.jl1Formulate likelihood problems and solve them with maximum likelihood estimation (MLE)
ModelSanitizer.jl0Remove potentially sensitive data from trained machine learning models
PredictMDAPI.jl0Abstract types, traits, and functions that define the PredictMD application programming interface (API)
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