11 Packages since 2018
User Packages
Pack1.jl1A single-file Julia libray using pack(1) alignment to pack value-typed instances into UInt8 arrays with extensible endianness.
HMRowUnification.jl2Providing HM unification with row polymorphism support
PrettyDoc.jl7An easy-to-use and lightweight text layout combinator library, serving high-quality pretty printing, text code generation, etc.
ParameterisedModule.jl9Full featured parameterised ML-modules in Julia
Sequent.jl13Formally and easily, describe the semantics.
MatchCore.jl16Non-extensible/hardcoded pattern matching, core of MLStyle
PrettyPrint.jl21Pretty print that makes sense
DevOnly.jl22Using runtime-free macro packages as dev-only dependencies.
RBNF.jl44A DSL for modern parsing
CanonicalTraits.jl63Full-featured traits in Julia. Without full features how dare I say this?
MLStyle.jl402Julia functional programming infrastructures and metaprogramming facilities
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