Computer Vision Packages
CVVideoIO.jl0Media I/O
DelayedBuffer.jl0Delayed buffer view for Julia 1D arrays.
LuxRay.jl0Julia wrapper for LuxRay
Ccv.jl0Julia bindings for libccv's SIFT image feature detection
Click.jl0Julia package for click maps and advanced interaction with graphics
OCV.jl0Playing with OpenCV - Not intended to be a full wrapper
LibOpenCV.jl0OpenCV library dependencies
LineExtraction.jl0Line extraction from an image (using Markovian model and energy minimization)
CVHighGUI.jl0High-level GUI
CVImgCodecs.jl0Image file reading and writing
CVImgProc.jl0Image processing
CVCore.jl1Core functionality
Konthe.jl1Convenience functions for OpenGL plotting in Julia
MeshSlicer.jl2A package for slicing meshes into polygons using Julia
Draw3D.jl2A 3D graphics package with a Julian API, built on OpenGL
Layout.jl3Graphics layout management for Julia
VLFeat.jl3Julia wrapper for the VLFeat computer vision library
DevIL.jl3DevIL / OpenIL binding for Julia
Drawing.jl4A library for easy, extensible drawing (diagrams, lines, shapes)
TIFF.jl4TIFF file support for the Julia language
ShapeModels.jl4Statistical shape models / point distribution models
Curvelet.jl7Implementation of the Uniform Discrete Curvelet Transform (UDCT)
Fontconfig.jl8Basic Julia bindings for fontconfig
AAM.jl8Active Appearance Models
HalideCall.jl8Use shared libraries created by Halide from Julia
Bezier.jl10A minimal implementation of bezier curves in julia
LeafAreaIndex.jl10Package to calculate Leaf Area Index from Hemisperical Images.
SixelGraphics.jl10A module for Julia implementing simple Sixel graphics
Ganja.jl11Interface for the ganja.js library in Julia
Skia.jl11Experimental skia bindings
ROMEO.jl14Fast 3D/4D Phase Unwrapping (julia source code)
Rsvg.jl15Adaptation of the rsvg lib
ShaderToy.jl16ShaderToy with GLVisualize.jl
DrakeVisualizer.jl18Interface to the RobotLocomotion Drake Visualizer tool from Julia
NetworkViz.jl29Julia Interface to visualize Graphs.
VisualRegressionTests.jl29Automated integrated regression tests for graphics libraries
ImplicitEquations.jl39Julia package to facilitate graphing of implicit equations and inequalities
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