Adaptation of the librsvg.
This is a subset of the full API, but the main points
- Open an svg file and render to a Cairo Context (surface)
- Read svg data from a string and render to a Cairo Context
are available.
(To be correct at this point: A full binding/adaptation should be done via GObject Introspection - which might be available in the future. This here is just ccalls to solve sv to cairo import problems...)
Note on API: nothing is exported, you need to prefix Rsvg.callsomething
using Rsvg
using Cairo
filename_in = "a4.svg"
filename_out = "a4.png"
r = Rsvg.handle_new_from_file(filename_in);
d = Rsvg.handle_get_dimensions(r);
cs = Cairo.CairoImageSurface(d.width,d.height,Cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32);
c = Cairo.CairoContext(cs);
handle_get_dimensions(handle::RsvgHandle, dimension_data::RsvgDimensionData)
dimension_data = handle_get_dimensions(handle::RsvgHandle)
handle_set_dpi(handle::RsvgHandle, dpi::Float64)
handle_render_cairo(cr::CairoContext, handle::RsvgHandle)
There is none. You'll get all kinds of errors (missing something) via the GLib internals.
librsvg is usually used in a Gnome/GLib context. Some of the features therefore depend on availability of a GLib as shared resource, especially memory management. This package e.g. depends for destroying RsvgHandles on GLib infrastructure and strange things can happen if you manage to load 2 different GLib instances. As long as you use Rsvg along Gtk.jl and Cairo.jl you should be fine.