
Tensor networks for quantum error correction.
Author nzy1997
27 Stars
Updated Last
10 Days Ago
Started In
February 2024

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This package utilizes the tensor network to study the properties of quantum error correction (QEC).The main features include

  • Quantum error correction code decoder with tensor network,
  • Quantum circuit simulation with tensor network to estimate the threshold of QEC.

Also, we include more general QEC tools, including

  • Commonly used QEC code stabilizer generators,
  • QEC code distance calculation,
  • QEC encoding circuit construction,
  • Decoding truth table construction,
  • Measurement circuit construction.


TensorQEC is a   Julia Language   package. To install TensorQEC, please open Julia's interactive session (known as REPL) and press the ] key in the REPL to use the package mode, and then type:

pkg> add https://github.com/nzy1997/TensorQEC.jl.git

To update, just type up in the package mode.


Suggestions and Comments in the Issues are welcome.

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