
Author gabrielpreviato
5 Stars
Updated Last
11 Months Ago
Started In
September 2022


This package is a Julia version of the YOLOv7 model based on the original author implementation in PyTorch.

To Do

There is still some things to be done, collaboration is appreciated from anyone.

  • Compare with Python YOLOv7
  • Add basic training loop
  • Add data loading
  • Add data preprocessing and augumentation
  • Add more models

And more...


YOLOv7.jl provide one constructor that loads pre-trained weights that were made available by the original author implementation in PyTorch.

Currently we only support loading the "standard" version of YOLOv7.

using YOLOv7, Flux

model = yolov7_from_torch()
testmode!(m, true)

#= model(x)

You can check some inference tests made using these weights on some images:

Zidane without prediction bounding boxes

Zidane with prediction bounding boxes

Bus without prediction bounding boxes Bus with prediction bounding boxes

Horses without prediction bounding boxes Horses with prediction bounding boxes