Neural Networks Packages
FMIFlux.jl55FMIFlux.jl is a free-to-use software library for the Julia programming language, which offers the ability to place FMUs ( everywhere inside of your ML topologies and still keep the resulting model trainable with a standard (or custom) FluxML training process.
ChainPlots.jl64Visualization for Flux.Chain neural networks
FluxArchitectures.jl123Complex neural network examples for Flux.jl
InvertibleNetworks.jl149A Julia framework for invertible neural networks
ONNXNaiveNASflux.jl43Import/export ONNX models
KnetOnnx.jl3Move your models to Knet!
ONNX.jl139Read ONNX graphs in Julia
NNlib.jl201Neural Network primitives with multiple backends
SumProductNetworks.jl38Sum-product networks in Julia.
NeuralNetDiffEq.jl966Physics-Informed Neural Networks (PINN) Solvers of (Partial) Differential Equations for Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) accelerated simulation
SpikeNet.jl20A spiking neural network simulator written in Julia.
RecurrentNN.jl111Deep RNN, LSTM, GRU, GF-RNN, and GF-LSTMs in Julia
NeuralNetworks.jl10Hacking torch-like neural networks in Julia
FANN.jl5A Julia wrapper for the Fast Artificial Neural Network Library (FANN)
Boltzmann.jl68Restricted Boltzmann Machines in Julia
NeuralNets.jl35Generic artificial neural networks in Julia
RNN.jl3RNN package for Julia
ANN.jl55Julia artificial neural networks
MultiLabelNeuralNetwork.jl3A simple feed-forward neural network for multi-label classification
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