Probability & Statistics Packages
VectorizedStatistics.jl42Fast, LoopVectorization.jl-based summary statistics
TuringModels.jl163Implementations of the models from the Statistical Rethinking book with Turing.jl
TuringGLM.jl71Bayesian Generalized Linear models using `@formula` syntax.
Turing.jl2026Bayesian inference with probabilistic programming.
TSAnalysis.jl121A Julia implementation of basic tools for time series analysis compatible with incomplete data.
TopicModels.jl38TopicModels for Julia
TimeSeries.jl353Time series toolkit for Julia
Tilde.jl75WIP successor to Soss.jl
TemporalGPs.jl110Fast inference for Gaussian processes in problems involving time. Partly built on results from
Temporal.jl100Time series implementation for the Julia language focused on efficiency and flexibility
Survival.jl73Survival analysis in Julia
Stheno.jl339Probabilistic Programming with Gaussian processes in Julia
StatsKit.jl139Convenience meta-package to load essential packages for statistics
StatsBase.jl584Basic statistics for Julia
Stan.jl211Stan.jl illustrates the usage of the 'single method' packages, e.g. StanSample, StanOptimize, etc.
StableDQMC.jl29Numerical stabilization routines for determinant quantum Monte Carlo
SparseRegression.jl40Statistical Models with Regularization in Pure Julia
Soss.jl414Probabilistic programming via source rewriting
SmoothingKernels.jl2Smoothing kernels for use in kernel regression and kernel density estimation
SMC.jl70Sequential Monte Carlo algorithm for approximation of posterior distributions.
RxInfer.jl260Julia package for automated Bayesian inference on a factor graph with reactive message passing
RobustStats.jl19A collection of robust statistical tests in Julia
Rmath.jl16Archive of functions that emulate R's d-p-q-r functions for probability distributions
Regression.jl62Algorithms for regression analysis (e.g. linear regression and logistic regression)
RecombinatorKMeans.jl3Implementation of recombinator-k-means
RankAggregation.jl3Rank aggregation in Julia
QuantileRegressions.jl41Quantile regression in Julia
PValueAdjust.jl16[deprecated] P-value adjustment methods for multiple testing correction
PSIS.jl17Pareto smoothed importance sampling
ProbabilisticCircuits.jl105Probabilistic Circuits from the Juice library
PowerLaws.jl4A Julia package for power laws distributions.
PortHamiltonian.jl2Port-Hamiltonian systems in Julia
POMDPToolbox.jl10Support tools for solving POMDPs
POMDPs.jl662MDPs and POMDPs in Julia - An interface for defining, solving, and simulating fully and partially observable Markov decision processes on discrete and continuous spaces.
Pingouin.jl45Reimplementation of Raphaelvallat's Pingouin in Julia
PerronFrobenius.jl4Estimating the transfer operator (Perron Frobenius operator) and invariant measures from time series.
Pathfinder.jl75Preheat your MCMC
OnlineStats.jl831⚡ Single-pass algorithms for statistics
Omega.jl162Causal, Higher-Order, Probabilistic Programming
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