
Some functions useful for small computations
Author masuday
0 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
April 2018


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This package provides small functions useful for everyday work in animal breeding (or quantitative genetics).


# traditional bending by Hayes and Hill (1981)
B = [
   50.0 48.0
   48.0 40.0
bentB = bending(B)

# bending generalized by Jorjani et al. (2003)
V = [
   50.0 48.0
   48.0 40.0
Weight = 1 ./ [
   100.0 80.0
    80.0 80.0
bentV = bending2(V,Weight)

# normalized Legendre Polynomials
M = [normalized_legendre(x,n) for x=(-1:0.1:1),n=0:3]

# `vech` function
V = [
   50.0 48.0
   48.0 40.0
v = vech(V)

# covariance matrix to correlation matrix
# same functionality as StatsBase.cov2cor
R = v2r(bentV)

# correlation matrix to covariance matrix
# same functionality as StatsBase.cor2cov
C = r2v(R,sqrt.(diag(V)))

# direct sum
sV = directsum(V,V)
tV = directsum(V,V,V)

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