
This Julia package performs the numerical integration of two Approximated Master Equations on networks: the Cavity Master Equation and the Conditional Dynamic Approximation
Author d4v1d-cub
1 Star
Updated Last
10 Months Ago
Started In
April 2024


Build Status

1. Installation

For now, the package is not an official Julia package. Therefore, the user should manually add it by running:

import Pkg

2. Description

This is a package to perform the numerical integration of some Approximated Master Equations for the dynamics of binary variables in graphs. It contains two different methods: the Cavity Master Equation (CME) [1] [2] [3] and the Conditional Dynamic Approximation (CDA) [4]. Provided a model and some network representing the interactions, the package estimates the local probabilities of observing a specific configuration of the variables at time $t$.

The two main functions implemented in the package so far are CME_KSAT and CDA_KSAT, with the following arguments

        (ratefunc::Function, rargs_cst, rarg_build::Function;
         graph::HGraph=build_empty_graph(), N::Int64=0, K::Int64=0,
         alpha::Union{Float64, Int64}=0.0, seed_g::Int64=rand(1:typemax(Int64)),
         links::Matrix{Int8}=Matrix{Int8}(undef, 0, 0), seed_l::Int64=rand(1:typemax(Int64)), 
         tspan::Vector{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0], p0::Float64=0.5, method=VCABM(), eth::Float64=1e-6,
         cbs_save::CallbackSet=CallbackSet(), dt_s::Float64=0.1, abstol::Float64=1e-6, reltol::Float64=1e-3)

In its first version, the package works for models on hypergraphs where only one configuration in the factor nodes unsatisfies the interaction (K-SAT like). This contains as a particular case a model with pairwise interactions (2-SAT like)

3. How to provide a graph?

The package has its own implementation of hypergraph structures.

mutable struct HGraph
    # This structure holds the hypergraph information
        N::Int64                                   # number of variable nodes
        M::Int64                                   # number of hyperedges
        K::Int64                                   # number of nodes in each hyperedge
        var_2_he::Array{Array{Int64, 1}, 1}        # list of hyperedges for each variable
        he_2_var::Matrix{Int64}                    # list of variables per hyperedge
        degrees::Vector{Int64}                     # list of variable nodes' degrees
        nodes_in::Array{Dict{Int64, Int64}, 1}     # dictionary with key=node_index and val=place_in_he

that can be initialized with

build_HGraph(var_2_he::Array{Array{Int64, 1}, 1} , he_2_var::Matrix{Int64}, degrees::Vector{Int64})

There are a couple of implemented examples:

build_RR_HGraph(N::Int64, c::Int64, K::Int64, idum::Int64=rand(1:typemax(Int64)))          # Random Regular Graphs
build_ER_HGraph(N::Int64, c::Union{Float64, Int64}, K::Int64, idum::Int64=rand(1:typemax(Int64)))  # Erdös-Rényi

If the user does not provide a graph to the functions CME_KSAT or CDA_KSAT, an empty graph is taken as default. The functions then expect to receive three numbers: $N$, $K$, and $\alpha$. These, together with the optional seed_g (seed for the random generator), are used to create an Erdös-Rényi hypergraph with size $N$, $K$ nodes per hyperedge and mean node connectivity $c=\alpha K$.

The couplings or links for the K-SAT boolean formula can be input via the parameter links::Matrix{Float64}. The indexes are links[he, i] with $he=1, \ldots, M$ and $i=1, \ldots, K$, where $M$ is the number of hyperedges in the graph. If the user does not input any matrix of links, the default is to randomly choose one.

For a neat example see the end of the Section 5

4. How to provide a model?

The information about the interactions goes into the transition rates. These are related to the first three arguments of the functions CME_KSAT and CDA_KSAT:

        ratefunc::Function            # function that computes the transition rate
        rargs_cst                     # constant arguments that 'ratefunc' will receive when evaluated
        rarg_build::Function          # function that computes the non-constant arguments to be obtained
                                      # at each integration step and then passed to 'ratefunc'

The structure of ratefunc must fit the following

        ratefunc(Ep::Int64, Em::Int64, rateargs...)

where Ep is the local energy when the variable is positive $(\sigma=1)$ and Em is the local energy when the variable is negative $(\sigma=-1)$.

To build the rest of the arguments the user should use a function like

        rarg_build(graph::HGraph, st::State_CME, rargs_cst...)
        rarg_build(graph::HGraph, st::State_CDA, rargs_cst...)

The first argument is the graph, with all the associated information (see previous section). The second argument is a struct with the following information:

mutable struct State_CME
    p_cav::Array{Float64, 4}     # cavity conditional probabilities p_cav[hyperedge, site_cond, s_cond, chain]
    probi::Vector{Float64}       # single-site probabilities probi[node]
    pu_cond::Array{Float64, 3}   # cavity conditional probabilities of partially unsatisfied
                                 # hyperedges pu_cond[hyperedge, site_cond, s_cond]
    p_joint_u::Vector{Float64}   # probability of having the hyperedge unsatisfied p_joint_u[hyperedge]
mutable struct State_CDA
    p_joint::Matrix{Float64}     # joint probabilities p_joint[hyperedge, chain]
    pu_cond::Array{Float64, 3}   # conditional probabilities of partially unsatisfied
                                 # hyperedges pu_cond[hyperedge, site_cond, s_cond]
    p_joint_u::Vector{Float64}   # probability of having the hyperedge unsatisfied p_joint_u[hyperedge]

All the other constant arguments of the transition rates must go into rargs_cst...

The function rarg_build() must return a list of arguments ready to be inserted into the function ratefunc

As an example, let us see the implementation of the Focused Metropolis Search algorithm for K-SAT optimization

# This function computes the energy in a K-SAT formula, where there is only one unsatisfied
# configuration of the variables in a clause
function ener(p_joint_u::Vector{Float64})
    e = 0.0
    for he in eachindex(p_joint_u)
        e += p_joint_u[he]
    return e

# This is the rate of FMS algorithm for KSAT
function rate_FMS_KSAT(Ep::Int64, Em::Int64, eta::Float64, avE::Float64, K::Number, N::Int64)
    dE = Em - Ep
    if dE > 0
        return Ep * N / K / avE * eta ^ dE
        return Ep * N / K / avE

# Each rate function needs some specific arguments. The general form of these functions 
function build_args_rate_FMS(graph::HGraph, st::State_CME, eta::Float64)
    avE = ener(st.p_joint_u)
    return eta, avE, graph.K, graph.N

# Each rate function needs some specific arguments. The general form of these functions 
function build_args_rate_FMS(graph::HGraph, st::State_CDA, eta::Float64)
    avE = ener(st.p_joint_u)
    return eta, avE, graph.K, graph.N

5. How to numerically integrate?

A simple example is written in the file "package_dir/test/runtests.jl"

using ApproxMasEq
using Test

N = 10
alpha = 2
K = 3
seed = 1

eta = 1.0
rargs = [eta]

answ_CME = CME_KSAT(rate_FMS_KSAT, rargs, build_args_rate_FMS, N=N, K=K, alpha=alpha, seed_g=seed)
answ_CDA = CDA_KSAT(rate_FMS_KSAT, rargs, build_args_rate_FMS, N=N, K=K, alpha=alpha, seed_g=seed)

Here, a hypergraph with $N=10$ nodes, $K=3$ node per hyperedge and mean connectivity $c=\alpha K = 6$ is randomly built with seed_g=1.

The model is the one in the example of Section 4: Focused Metropolis Search algorithm in K-SAT. The constant argument for the transition rates is eta=1 ($\eta=1$).

Other keyword arguments that can be specified before the numerical integration:

  • p0::Float=0.5 is the probability for generating the initial conditions. Every variable is set to 1 or -1 with $p(1) = 1-p(-1) = p_0$.
  • tspan::Vector{Float64}=[0.0, 1.0] is the time interval for the integration.
  • method=VCABM() is the numerical method for the integration performed with the package OrdinaryDiffEqs. See the full list here.
  • abstol::Float64=1e-6 absolute tolerance for the numerical integration with OrdinaryDiffEqs.
  • reltol::Float64=1e-6 relative tolerance for the numerical integration with OrdinaryDiffEqs.

6. Accessing the results

At this point, the user should be able to run a simple example and collect the output of the functions CME_KSAT or CDA_KSAT. These functions return an object of type SciMLBase.ODESolution (see here) with the solution saved in tspan sampled at intervals of length dts. The latter is a parameter of the functions CME_KSAT and CDA_KSAT (dt_s::Float64=0.1).

To get other quantities the user should use callbacks. This is allowed by the package DiffEqCallbacks. A stopping condition is implemented by default that stops the integration when the energy goes below a given value eth. This is also a parameter of the functions CME_KSAT and CDA_KSAT (eth::Float64=1e-6).

The following shows how to save some quantity at each integration step. This is implemented via a SavingCallback (see here). The general form of a function to be used as a callback is

function save_something(u, t, integrator)
     # compute something
     return #something

Thus, the package implements certain pre-defined requests for the numerical integrator.

The user could:

  • get_graph(integrator) returns the graph::HGraph variable
  • reshape_u_to_probs_CME(u::Vector{Float64}, integrator) reshapes the vector $u$ to the probabilities involved in the CME: 'p_cav' and 'probi' (see Section 4).
  • reshape_u_to_probs_CDA(u::Vector{Float64}, integrator) reshapes the vector $u$ to the probability involved in the CDA: 'p_joint' (see Section 4).
  • get_pju_CME(u::Vector{Float64}, integrator) computes the probability of the unsatisfied configuration for each hyperedge in the CME (see Section 4).
  • get_pju_CDA(u::Vector{Float64}, integrator) computes the probability of the unsatisfied configuration for each hyperedge in the CDA (see Section 4).

With this, the user can define a callback that, for example, saves the system's energy at each step of the CDA's integration:

function save_ener_CDA(u, t, integrator)
    p_joint_u = get_pju_CDA(u, integrator)
    e = ener(p_joint_u)
    return e

where ener() is simply

function ener(p_joint_u::Vector{Float64})
    e = 0.0
    for he in eachindex(p_joint_u)
        e += p_joint_u[he]
    return e

The numerical integration that saves the energy at each step can be performed by running:

using ApproxMasEq
using OrdinaryDiffEq, DiffEqCallbacks, Sundials

N = 100
alpha = 3.5
K = 3

eta = 0.7
rargs = [eta]

t0 = 0.0
tlim = 10.0

saved_eners_CDA = SavedValues(Float64, Float64)
cb_ener_CDA = SavingCallback(save_ener_CDA, saved_eners_CDA)
cbs_save_CDA = CallbackSet(cb_ener_CDA)

answ = CDA_KSAT(rate_FMS_KSAT, rargs, build_args_rate_FMS, N=N, K=K, alpha=alpha, tspan=[t0, tlim], cbs_save=cbs_save_CDA)

where the callback is passed as a parameter. The function receives a CallbackSet, so different callbacks can be passed at once, via the argument cbs_save::CallbackSet=CallbackSet(). In the line cbs_save_CDA = CallbackSet(cb_ener_CDA) the custom callback is cast to an object of type CallbackSet and then put as an argument of CDA_KSAT.

Something analogous can be done for the function CME_KSAT


[1] E. Aurell, G. D. Ferraro, E. Domínguez, and R. Mulet. A cavity master equation for the continuous time dynamics of discrete spins models. Physical Review E, 95:052119, 2017.

[2] E. Aurell, E. Domínguez, D. Machado and R. Mulet. Exploring the diluted ferromagnetic p-spin model with a cavity master equation. Physical Review E, 97:050103(R), 2018

[3] E. Aurell, E. Domínguez, D. Machado and R. Mulet. A theory non-equilibrium local search on random satisfaction problems. Physical Review Letters, 123:230602, 2019

[4] D. Machado, R. Mulet and F. Ricci-Tersenghi. Improved mean-field dynamical equations are able to detect the two-step relaxation in glassy dynamics at low temperatures. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, 2023:123301

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