
Author Thiago-Simoes
6 Stars
Updated Last
4 Months Ago
Started In
October 2022


A Julia Package to get data from BrazilianFinancial APIs.

This project is under development and totally free-to-use, feel free to contribute. I'm a student so forgive any possible problem and report it opening a issue. Ideas can also, and should, be sent.


  1. In Julia terminal, activate your enviroment.
  2. Paste using Pkg.
  3. Paste Pkg.add("BrazilFinancialData")
  4. That's all! 🎉🎉

Release notes:


Based on Python lib brFinance(@eudesrodrigo) now implemented the functionality of download company financial statements directly from Julia using HTTP.jl and WebScrapping packages.
Now, the package uses brFinance only for one specific functionality that I couldn't get to work. ASAP I will release a full Julia version.

Financial statements:

  • Balanço Patrimonial Ativo (Balance sheet - Assets)
  • Balanço Patrimonial Passivo (Balance sheet - Liabilities)
  • Demonstração do Resultado (Income statement)
  • Demonstração do Resultado Abrangente
  • Demonstração do Fluxo de Caixa (Cash flow statement)
  • Demonstração das Mutações do Patrimônio Líquido (pending implementation)
  • Demonstração de Valor Adicionado

Actual features


  • Get daily information of investment funds (by month or period)
  • Get statement of investment funds (by year or period) *Both data can be for a specific fund.


Get data for the following series:

  • IPCA
  • PIB
  • IC_BR
  • Utilizacao Capacidade Industrial
  • Desemprego
  • Divida Liquida
  • Divida Liquida PIB
  • Cesta Basica Aracaju
  • Cesta Basica Belem
  • Cesta Basica Belo Horizonte
  • Cesta Basica Brasilia
  • Cesta Basica Curitiba
  • Cesta Basica Florianopolis
  • Cesta Basica Fortaleza
  • Cesta Basica Goiania
  • Cesta Basica Joao Pessoa
  • Cesta Basica Natal
  • Cesta Basica PortoAlegre
  • Cesta Basica Recife
  • Cesta Basica RJ
  • Cesta Basica Salvador
  • Cesta Basica SaoPaulo
  • Cesta Basica Vitoria

This package is a work in progress.