
A Julia package for loading many of the datasets available in CDM R package
Author athulsudheesh
0 Stars
Updated Last
3 Years Ago
Started In
July 2021


This package is a simplistic port of the data repo created by @alexanderrobitzsch as part of their CDM R package.


To install this package, go to the package manager mode and run:

add CDMrdata

Once you have installed the package, you can use it just like any other Julia package

using CDMrdata


Currently the package has only two functions:

  • load_data(data_name): takes the data_name as an argument and loads it as a Dict
  • list_datasets(): lists all the datasets available in the package.


Suppose we want to load the ecpe dataset:

dat = load_data("ecpe");

To know the fields for that specific dataset:

KeySet for a Dict{String, Int64} with 2 entries. Keys:

And to access one of those fields:

28×3 DataFrame
 Row │ skill1  skill2  skill3 
     │ Int32   Int32   Int32  
   11       1       0
   20       1       0
   31       0       1
   40       0       1
   50       0       1
  240       1       0
  251       0       0
  260       0       1
  271       0       0
  280       0       1
               18 rows omitted

Dataset Description

Dataset Name Description (From CDM R Package Dev)
cdm01 A multiple choice dataset
cdm02 Multiple choice dataset with a Q-matrix designed for polytomous attributes.
cdm03 Resimulated dataset from Chiu, Koehn and Wu (2016) where the data generating model is a reduced RUM model.
cdm04 Simulated dataset for the sequential DINA model (as described in Ma & de la Torre, 2016). The dataset contains 1000 persons and 12 items which measure 2 skills.
cdm05 Example dataset used in Philipp, Strobl, de la Torre and Zeileis (2018). This dataset is a sub-dataset of the probability dataset in the pks package (Heller & Wickelmaier, 2013).
cdm06 Resimulated example dataset from Chen and Chen (2017).
cdm07 This is a resimulated dataset from the social anxiety disorder data concerning social phobia which involve 13 dichotomous questions (Fang, Liu & Ling, 2017). The simulation was based on a latent class model with five classes. The dataset was also used in Chen, Li, Liu and Ying (2017).
cdm08 This is a simulated dataset involving four skills and three misconceptions for the model for simultaneously identifying skills and misconceptions (SISM; Kuo, Chen & de la Torre, 2018). The Q-matrix follows the specification in their simulation study.
cdm09 This is a simulated dataset involving polytomous skills which is adapted from the empirical example (proportional reasoning data) of Chen and de la Torre (2013).
cdm10 This is a simulated dataset involving a hierarchical skill structure. Skill A has four levels, skill B possesses two levels and skill C has three levels.
dcm Dataset from Book 'Diagnostic Measurement' of Rupp, Templin and Henson (2010).
dtmr DTMR Fraction Data (Bradshaw et al., 2014).
ecpe The dataset has been used in Templin and Hoffman (2013), and Templin and Bradshaw (2014).
fraction1 The dataset has been used in de la Torre, J. (2009).
fraction2 The dataset has been used in de la Torre, J. (2009) & . Henson, Templin and Willse (2009)
fraction3 The dataset has been used in de la Torre (2011).
fraction4 The dataset has been used in de la Torre and Douglas (2004) and Chen, Liu, Xu and Ying (2015).
fraction5 This dataset was used as an example for the multiple strategy DINA model in de la Torre and Douglas (2008) and Hou and de la Torre (2014).
hr Simulated data according to Ravand et al. (2013).
jang Simulated dataset according to the Jang (2005) L2 reading comprehension study.
melab This is a simulated dataset according to the MELAB reading study (Li, 2011; Li & Suen, 2013). Li (2011) investigated the Fusion model (RUM model) for calibrating this dataset. The dataset in this package is simulated assuming the reduced RUM model (RRUM).
mg Large-scale dataset with multiple groups, survey weights and 11 polytomous items.
pgdina Dataset for the estimation of the polytomous GDINA model.
pisa00R.ct PISA 2000 of German students including 26 items of the reading test [Chen and de la Torre (2014)]. PISA 2000 of German students including 20 items of the reading test [Chen and Chen (2016)].
sda6 This is a simulated dataset of the SDA6 study according to informations given in Jurich and Bradshaw (2014).
Students This dataset contains item responses of students at a scale of cultural activities (act), mathematics self concept (sc) and mathematics joyment (mj) from an Austrian survey of 8th grade students This is a dataset with a subset of 23 Mathematics items from TIMSS 2003 items used in Su, Choi, Lee, Choi and McAninch (2013).
timss07.G4.lee This dataset is a list containing dichotomous item responses (data; information on booklet and gender included), the Q-matrix (q.matrix) and descriptions of the skills (skillinfo) used in Lee et al. (2011). This dataset uses the same items as timss07.G4.lee but employs a simplified Q-matrix with 7 skills. This Q-matrix was used in Park and Lee (2014) and Park et al. (2018).
timss07.G4.Qdomains This Q-matrix data is a simplification of$q.matrix to 3 domains and involves a simple structure of skills.
timss11.G4.AUT TIMSS 2011 dataset of 4668 Austrian fourth-graders.
timss11.G4.AUT.part Part of timss11.G4.AUT and contains only the first three booklets (with N=1010 students). Contains the Q-matrix used in Sedat and Arican (2015). Tatsuoka's (1984) fraction subtraction data set is comprised of responses to 𝐽=20 fraction subtraction test items from 𝑁=536 middle school students
fraction.subtraction.qmatrix The Q-Matrix corresponding to Tatsuoka (1984) fraction subtraction data set.

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