
Cyclotomic numbers (sums of root of unity with rational coefficients)
Author jmichel7
2 Stars
Updated Last
9 Months Ago
Started In
November 2021


# CyclotomicNumbersModule.

This package deals with cyclotomic numbers, the complex numbers which are linear combinations of roots of unity, usually with with rational or integer coefficients; but it is possible to use any coefficients <:Real. Cyclotomic numbers can be converted to Complex numbers.

The cyclotomic numbers with rational coefficients form a field, the cyclotomic field. It is the maximal extension of the rationals with an abelian Galois group. Its ring of integers is the cyclotomic numbers with integer coefficients (called cyclotomic integers).

Cyclotomic numbers are very important for finite groups, since character values of finite groups are cyclotomic integers.

This package depends only on the packages ModuleElt and Primes. It is a port of the GAP implementation of cyclotomics, which uses a normal form given by writing them in the Zumbroich basis. This form allows to find the smallest Cyclotomic field which contains a given number, and decide in particular if a cyclotomic is zero. Let ζₙ=exp(2im*π/n). The Zumbroich basis is a particular subset of size φ(n) of 1,ζₙ,ζₙ²,…,ζₙⁿ⁻¹ which forms a basis of ℚ (ζₙ). The reference is

T. Breuer, Integral bases for subfields of cyclotomic fields AAECC 8 (1997)

I started this file by porting Christian Stump's Sage code, which is simpler to understand than GAP's C code.

As GAP does, I lower automatically numbers after each computation, that is, reduce them to the smallest cyclotomic field where they belong. Currently the code is somewhat slower (depending on the operation it has the same speed or is slower up to 50%) than the C code in GAP but there are probably opportunities to optimize that I missed.

What GAP does which I do not do is convert automatically a Cyclotomic which is rational to a Rational, a Rational which is integral to an Integer, a BigInt which is small to an Int, etc… This is a tremendously important optimization but because of type stability in Julia it needs a new type of number to be added to Julia, which I am not competent enough to try.

This package is similar (and mostly compatible) with Marek Kaluba's package Cyclotomics, whose existence I discovered after writing this package. We discussed merging them but concluded it would be a lot of work for benefits which are not clear currently. Some differences are:

  • I define two types in this package: Root1 represents a root of unity, and Cyc a cyclotomic number. The advantage of having a separate type for roots of unity is that computations are very fast for them, of which I take advantage in the package CycPol for polynomials whose zeros are roots of unity.
  • In Kaluba's package numbers are not systematically lowered but only on demand (like for printing). this speeds up some computations by a factor approaching 2, but it also makes some computations I have to do infeasible, like the following one, which if not lowering involves too large fields; the answer is -36ζ₃²:
julia> prod(x->1-x,[E(3),E(3,2),E(6),E(6,5),E(8),E(8),E(8,5),E(8,7),E(9,2),

If you develop my package it is easy to use the strategy of lowering only on demand or to use alternate implementations like dense vectors or sparse vectors (like Cyclotomics) –- I prepared boolean flags to choose various implementations in the code. I have currently chosen the implementation with ModuleElts and systematic lowering as giving the best results.

The main way to build a Cyclotomic number is to use the function E(n,k=1) which constructs the Root1 equal to ζₙᵏ, and then make linear combinations of such numbers.


julia> E(3,2) # a root of unity
Root1: ζ₃²

julia> E(3)+E(4) # nice display at the repl
Cyc{Int64}: ζ₁₂⁴-ζ₁₂⁷-ζ₁₂¹¹
julia> print(E(3)+E(4)) # otherwise give output which can be parsed back
julia> E(12,11)-E(12,7) # square roots of integers are recognized on output
Cyc{Int64}: √3

# but you can prevent that recognition
julia> repr(E(12,11)-E(12,7),context=(:limit=>true,:quadratic=>false))

julia> a=E(3)+E(3,2)
Cyc{Int64}: -1

julia> conductor(a) # a has been lowered to ℚ (ζ₁)=ℚ

julia> typeof(Int(a))
julia> Int(E(4))
ERROR: InexactError: convert(Int64, E(4))
julia> inv(1+E(4)) # like for Integers inverse involves floats
Cyc{Float64}: 0.5-0.5ζ₄

julia> 1//(1+E(4))  # but not written this way
Cyc{Rational{Int64}}: (1-ζ₄)/2

julia> Cyc(1//2+im) # we can convert Gaussian rationals to cyclotomics
Cyc{Rational{Int64}}: (1+2ζ₄)/2

julia> conj(1+E(4)) # complex conjugate
Cyc{Int64}: 1-ζ₄

julia> real(E(3))  # real part
Cyc{Rational{Int64}}: -1//2

julia> Rational{Int}(real(E(3)))

julia> imag(E(3))  # imaginary part
Cyc{Rational{Int64}}: √3/2

julia> c=Cyc(E(9))   # the normal form in the Zumbroich basis has two terms
Cyc{Int64}: -ζ₉⁴-ζ₉⁷

julia> Root1(c) #  but you can convert back to Root1 if possible
Root1: ζ₉

julia> Root1(1+E(4)) # the constructor Root1 returns nothing for a non-root

The group of roots of unity is isomorphic to ℚ /ℤ , thus Root1 are represented internally by a rational number in [0,1[.

julia> Root1(;r=1//4) # this constructor ensures the fraction is in [0,1[
Root1: ζ₄

julia> c=E(4)*E(3) # fast computation if staying inside roots of unity
Root1: ζ₁₂⁷

Root1 have the same operations as Cyc, but are first converted to Cyc for any operation other than one, isone, *, ^, inv, conj, /, //. A Root1 can be raised to a Rational power, which extracts a root if needed. A Root1 can be taken apart using order and exponent –- if a and b are prime to each other, a is the order of E(a,b) and b (taken mod a) is the exponent. Note that the order is not the conductor since E(6)==-E(3) has order 6 and conductor 3.

julia> c=Complex{Float64}(E(3))  # convert to Complex{float} is sometimes useful
-0.4999999999999999 + 0.8660254037844387im

In presence of a Cyc a number <:Real or <:Complex{<:Real} is converted to a Cyc.

julia> 0.0+E(3)
Cyc{Float64}: 1.0ζ₃

julia> E(3)+1//2
Cyc{Rational{Int64}}: √-3/2

julia> E(3)+im
Cyc{Int64}: ζ₁₂⁴-ζ₁₂⁷-ζ₁₂¹¹

The function complex converts a Cyc{T} to a Complex{T} if the conductor is 1 or 4, to a Complex{float(T)} otherwise.

julia> complex(E(4))
0 + 1im

julia> complex(E(3))
-0.4999999999999999 + 0.8660254037844387im

Cycs have methods copy, hash, ==, cmp, isless (total order) so they can be keys in hashes, elements of sets, and can be sorted. Cyclotomics which are integers or rationals compare correctly to Reals (this does not extend to irrational real Cycs):

julia> -1<Cyc(0)<1

Cycs have the operations +, -, *, /, //, inv, ^, conj, abs2, abs, image, real, reim, isinteger, isreal, one, isone, zero, iszero, complex, adjoint. Cyclotomics with rational or integer coefficients have the methods numerator and denominator: a Cyc x is a Cyclotomic integer if denominator(x)==1 and then numerator(x) gives the corresponding Cyc{<:Integer}.

You can pick apart a cyclotomic in various ways. The fastest is to use the iterator pairs which, for a cyclotomic a of conductor e iterates on the pairs (i,c) such that a has a non-zero coefficient c on ζₑⁱ. You can also get the coefficient of ζₑⁱ as a[i] but it is slower to iterate on coefficients this way. Finally you can get (efficiently) the vector of all coefficients by coefficients.

julia> a=E(3)+E(4)
Cyc{Int64}: ζ₁₂⁴-ζ₁₂⁷-ζ₁₂¹¹

julia> collect(pairs(a))
3-element Vector{Pair{Int64, Int64}}:
  4 => 1
  7 => -1
 11 => -1

julia> a[6],a[7]
(0, -1)

julia> coefficients(a)
12-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> valtype(a) # the type of the coefficients of a

For more information see the docstring for the methods Quadratic, galois, root, conjugates.

Finally, a benchmark:

julia> function testmat(p)
         ss=[[i,j] for i in 0:p-1 for j in i+1:p-1]
         [(E(p,i'*reverse(j))-E(p,i'*j))//p for i in ss,j in ss]
testmat (generic function with 1 method)

julia> @btime CyclotomicNumbers.testmat(12)^2;  # on Julia 1.8.5
  182.929 ms (2032503 allocations: 198.22 MiB)

The equivalent in GAP:

testmat:=function(p)local ss;ss:=Combinations([0..p-1],2);
  return List(ss,i->List(ss,j->(E(p)^(i*Reversed(j))-E(p)^(i*j))/p));

testmat(12)^2 takes 0.31s in GAP3, 0.22s in GAP4


# CyclotomicNumbers.EFunction.

E(n,p=1) returns the Root1 equal to ζₙᵖ (where ζₙ is the root of unity whose approximate value is exp(2im*π/n))


# CyclotomicNumbers.Root1Type.

Root1 is a type representing roots of unity. The internal representation is by a Rational{Int} of the form y//x where the integers y and x satisfy 0≤y<x, representing the root of unity ζₓʸ (where ζₓ is the root of unity whose approximate value is exp(2im*π/x)). Efficient constructors are Root1(;r=y//x) and E.


# CyclotomicNumbers.conductorFunction.


returns the smallest positive integer n such that c∈ ℚ (ζₙ)


smallest positive integer n such that all elements of a are in ℚ (ζₙ)

julia> conductor(E(6))

julia> conductor([E(3),1//2,E(4)])


# CyclotomicNumbers.coefficientsFunction.


for a cyclotomic c of conductor n, returns a vector v of length n such that c==∑ᵢ vᵢ₊₁ ζⁱ for i∈ 0:n-1.

julia> coefficients(Cyc(E(9)))
9-element Vector{Int64}:


# Base.denominatorFunction.


returns the smallest integer d such that d*c has integral coefficients (thus is an algebraic integer).


# CyclotomicNumbers.galoisFunction.

galois(c::Cyc,n::Integer) applies to c the galois automorphism of ℚ (ζ_conductor(c)) raising all roots of unity to the n-th power. n should be prime to conductor(c).


julia> galois(1+E(4),-1) # galois(c,-1) is the same as conj(c)
Cyc{Int64}: 1-ζ₄

julia> galois(root(5),2)==-root(5)


# CyclotomicNumbers.conjugatesFunction.


returns the list of distinct galois conjugates of c (over the Rationals), starting with c

julia> conjugates(1+root(5))
2-element Vector{Cyc{Int64}}:


# CyclotomicNumbers.QuadraticType.


determines if c lives in a quadratic extension of . The call q=Quadratic(c) returns a struct Quadratic with fields q.a, q.b, q.root, q.den such that c==(q.a + q.b root(q.root))//q.den if such a representation is possible or returns nothing otherwise.


julia> Quadratic(E(3,2)-2E(3))

julia> Quadratic(1+E(5))


# CyclotomicNumbers.rootFunction.


computes an n-th root of x when we know how to do it. We know how to compute n-th roots of roots of unity, and n-th or 2n-th roots of perfect n-th powers of integers or rationals.

julia> root(-1)
Cyc{Int64}: ζ₄

julia> root(E(4))
Root1: ζ₈

julia> root(27//8,6)
Cyc{Rational{Int64}}: √6/2


# CyclotomicNumbers.ElistFunction.


expresses ζₙⁱ in zumbroich_basis(n): it is a sum of some ζₙʲ with coefficients all 1 or all -1. The result is a Pair sgn=>inds where sgn is true if coefficients are all 1 and false otherwise, and inds is the list of i in 0:n-1 such that ζₙⁱ occurs with a non-zero coefficient.

Should only be called with i∈ 0:n-1


# CyclotomicNumbers.zumbroich_basisFunction.


returns the Zumbroich basis of ℚ (ζₙ) as the sorted vector of i in 0:n-1 such that ζₙⁱ is in the basis.


# CyclotomicNumbers.prime_residuesFunction.

CyclotomicNumbers.prime_residues(n) the numbers less than n and prime to n


# CyclotomicNumbers.modZFunction.

modZ(x::Rational{<:Integer}) returns x mod ℤ as a rational in [0,1[


# Base.numeratorMethod.


returns denominator(c)*c as a cyclotomic over the integers.
