
A small Julia tool for visualizing DICOM metadata.
Author JuliaHealth
6 Stars
Updated Last
4 Months Ago
Started In
August 2023


A little Julia package for visualizing DICOM file metadata in the form of a tree. The main function is the Tree function, which is simply a dispatch of the eponymous function in the Term.jl package to the DICOMData type in the DICOM.jl package. The package have been tested with CT Scanner, RTDose and RTStruct files.

DICOMTree Logo

Documentation & installation

Install with:

julia> ]  # enters the pkg interface
pkg> add DICOMTree

How to use DICOMTree.jl ?

using DICOM
using DICOMTree

dcm_file = dcm_parse(dcm_path)

Tree(dcm_file, with_keys = false, maxdepth = 2)

Output (with colours in the REPL) :

  ├─ StructureSetName ⇒ ART: Unapproved
  ├─ StudyDate ⇒ 12345678
  ├─ StructureSetROISequence ⇒ Vector of DICOMData
  │                              └─ Length ⇒ 46
  ├─ SeriesInstanceUID ⇒ 1.2.276
  ├─ MediaStorageSOPClassUID ⇒ 1.2.840
  ├─ SoftwareVersions ⇒ v1.0
  ├─ ImplementationVersionName ⇒ OFFIS_DCMTK_364
  ├─ Modality ⇒ RTSTRUCT
  ├─ PatientName ⇒ xxx
  ├─ OperatorsName ⇒ xxx
  ├─ ApprovalStatus ⇒ UNAPPROVED
  ├─ InstitutionName ⇒ Any[]
  ├─ ReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence ⇒ Vector of DICOMData
  │                                         └─ Length ⇒ 1
  ├─ SOPInstanceUID ⇒ 1.2.276
  ├─ SpecificCharacterSet ⇒ ISO_IR 100
  ├─ PatientID ⇒ xxx
  ├─ ImplementationClassUID ⇒ 1.2.276
  ├─ StudyTime ⇒ xxx
  ├─ StructureSetTime ⇒ 123456
  ├─ StudyDescription ⇒ Brain
  ├─ ROIContourSequence ⇒ Vector of DICOMData
  │                         └─ Length ⇒ 46
  ├─ ReviewTime ⇒ Any[]
  ├─ StudyID ⇒ 123456
  ├─ SeriesNumber ⇒ 1
  ├─ SOPClassUID ⇒ 1.2.840
  ├─ StudyInstanceUID ⇒ 1.2.826
  ├─ TransferSyntaxUID ⇒ 1.2.840
  ├─ AccessionNumber ⇒ Any[]
  ├─ StructureSetDate ⇒ 12345678
  ├─ ManufacturerModelName ⇒ xxx
  ├─ PatientSex ⇒ Any[]
  ├─ InstanceNumber ⇒ 1
  ├─ FileMetaInformationGroupLength ⇒ 202
  ├─ ReferringPhysicianName ⇒ Unspecified
  ├─ Manufacturer ⇒ Company
  ├─ ReviewDate ⇒ Any[]
  ├─ InstanceCreationTime ⇒ 123456
  ├─ FileMetaInformationVersion ⇒ UInt8[0x00, 0x01]
  ├─ RTROIObservationsSequence ⇒ Vector of DICOMData
  │                                └─ Length ⇒ 46
  ├─ MediaStorageSOPInstanceUID ⇒ 1.2.276
  ├─ StructureSetLabel ⇒ ART: Unapproved
  ├─ SeriesDescription ⇒ xxx
  ├─ PatientBirthDate ⇒ 12345678
  └─ InstanceCreationDate ⇒ 12345678
  • with_keys = true will replace the name with the associated tag (e.g. : (0x0010, 0x0020) if true and PatientID if false). Default is false.

  • maxdepth defines the depth at which the DICOM tree is explored. Default is 2. Note that a high scan depth may take a few seconds to be displayed.

Then, we can focus on a specific tag :

Tree(dcm_file.ROIContourSequence, maxdepth = 3)

Output (with colours in the REPL) :

└─ 1 ⇒
           ├─ ContourSequence ⇒
           │                      ├─ 1 ⇒
           │                      │        ├─ ContourGeometricType ⇒ CLOSED_PLANAR
           │                      │        ├─ ContourData ⇒ Vector
           │                      │        │                  ├─ Length ⇒ 3948
           │                      │        │                  ├─ ElementsType ⇒ Float64
           │                      │        │                  └─ Overview ⇒ [5.12, -245.33, -124.0, ..., -124.0, 4.4, -245.2]
           │                      │        │
           │                      │        ├─ ContourNumber ⇒ 0
           │                      │        ├─ NumberOfContourPoints ⇒ 1316
           │                      │        └─ ContourImageSequence ⇒ Vector of DICOMData
           │                      │                                    └─ Length ⇒ 1
           │                      │
           │                      │
           │                      ├─ 2 ⇒
           │                      │        ├─ ContourGeometricType ⇒ CLOSED_PLANAR
           │                      │        ├─ ContourData ⇒ Vector
           │                      │        │                  ├─ Length ⇒ 3936
           │                      │        │                  ├─ ElementsType ⇒ Float64
           │                      │        │                  └─ Overview ⇒ [12.78, -245.33, -122.0, ..., -122.0, 12.06, -245.2]
           │                      │        │
           │                      │        ├─ ContourNumber ⇒ 1
           │                      │        ├─ NumberOfContourPoints ⇒ 1312
           │                      │        └─ ContourImageSequence ⇒ Vector of DICOMData
           │                      │                                    └─ Length ⇒ 1

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