This is a Julia implementation of a regression modeling procedure that is similar to Jerome Friedman's 1991 Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines (MARS), which is also known as Earth for trademark reasons.
The forward (basis-construction) phase used here should be identical to the original MARS procedure. The original MARS used backward selection for model pruning, but this implementation uses the Lasso, which was not invented yet at the time that MARS was conceived.
See the examples folder for additional examples of using Earth to build regression models.
The following example has three explanatory variables (x1, x2, x3) with an additive mean structure. The additive contribution of x1 is quadratic, the additive contribution of x2 is linear, and x3 does not contribute to the mean structure.
using Earth, Plots, StableRNGs, LaTeXStrings, Statistics, Printf
rng = StableRNG(123)
n = 500
X = randn(rng, n, 3)
Ey = X[:, 1].^2 - X[:, 2]
y = Ey + randn(rng, n);
First we fit a model using Earth, constraining the "order" to 1, which will be discussed further below.
cfg = EarthConfig(; maxorder=1)
md1 = fit(EarthModel, X, y; config=cfg, verbosity=1)
Coef Std coef Term
-2.550 -- intercept
-1.529 -0.773 intercept * h(v1 - 0.206)
1.776 1.173 intercept * h(0.206 - v1)
-0.425 -0.226 intercept * h(v2 - 0.171)
0.648 0.420 intercept * h(0.171 - v2)
1.181 1.063 intercept * h(v1 - -1.247)
0.426 0.842 intercept * h(v1 - -1.247) * h(v1 - -0.199)
-0.126 -0.107 intercept * h(v3 - -0.994)
-0.197 -0.055 intercept * h(-0.994 - v3)
0.038 0.081 intercept * h(v3 - -0.994) * h(v3 - -0.633)
-0.045 -0.055 intercept * h(0.171 - v2) * h(-0.175 - v2)
The representation of the model displayed above shows all of the terms, and how each term is constructed as a product of hinges. It also gives the raw and standardized coefficients for each term. The standardized coefficient adjusts for the variance of the term and is a better indicator of how much the term contributes to the model.
To visualize the fitted and true mean structures, we can consider
the fitted conditional mean of Y as a function of x1, holding x2
fixed at zero. The true value of this function is
x = -2:0.2:2
X1 = [x zeros(length(x)) zeros(length(x))]
y1 = predict(md1, X1)
p = plot(x, y1, xlabel=L"$x_1$", ylabel=L"$y$", label=L"$E[y | x_1, x_2=0]$",
size=(400, 300))
p = plot!(p, x, x.^2, label=L"$y = x_1^2$")
Plots.savefig(p, "../assets/readme1.svg")
We can also consider the fitted conditional mean of y as a function
of x2, holding x1 fixed at zero. The true value of this function is
x = -2:0.2:2
X2 = [zeros(length(x)) x zeros(length(x))]
y2 = predict(md1, X2)
p = plot(x, y2, label=L"$E[y | x_1=0, x_2, x_3=0]$", xlabel=L"$x_2$", ylabel=L"$y$",
size=(400, 300))
p = plot!(p, x, -x, label=L"$y = -x_2$")
Plots.savefig(p, "../assets/readme2.svg")
There are several ways to control the structure of the model fit by
Earth. Above we set maxorder=1
, which produces an additive fit,
meaning that each term in the fitted mean structure involves only
one of the original variables. By default, the maximum "degree" of
any term in the fitted model is two, meaning that each term can
include up to two hinges involving the same variable. The
constraints maxorder=1
and maxdegree=2
allow Earth to exactly
represent the true mean structure in this example.
Next we refit the model using Earth, but allowing up to two-way interactions (even though no two-way interactions are present). In spite of the added (but unneeded) flexibility, we still do a good job capturing the mean structure.
cfg = EarthConfig(; maxorder=2, maxdegree=2)
md2 = fit(EarthModel, X, y; config=cfg)
x = -2:0.2:2
X1 = [x zeros(length(x)) zeros(length(x))]
y1 = predict(md2, X1)
p = plot(x, y1, xlabel=L"$x_1$", ylabel=L"$y$", label=L"$E[y | x_1, x_2=0, x_3=0]$",
size=(400, 300))
p = plot!(p, x, x.^2, label=L"$y = x_1^2$")
Plots.savefig(p, "../assets/readme3.svg")
Perhaps we may wish to specify a model in which each variable can contribute main effects, but only the first two variables may have an interaction. This can be accomplished as follows.
constraints = Set([[true, false, false], [false, true, false], [false, false, true], [true, true, false]])
cfg = EarthConfig(; maxorder=2, maxdegree=2, constraints=constraints)
md3 = fit(EarthModel, X, y; config=cfg)
Coef Std coef Term
-2.619 -- intercept
-1.637 -0.828 intercept * h(v1 - 0.206)
1.796 1.186 intercept * h(0.206 - v1)
-0.380 -0.202 intercept * h(v2 - 0.171)
0.615 0.399 intercept * h(0.171 - v2)
1.210 1.089 intercept * h(v1 - -1.247)
0.468 0.926 intercept * h(v1 - -1.247) * h(v1 - -0.199)
-0.351 -0.066 intercept * h(v1 - 0.206) * h(-0.747 - v2)
-0.049 -0.043 intercept * h(v1 - 0.206) * h(v2 - -0.747) * h(v1 - 0.784)
-0.833 -0.044 intercept * h(v1 - 0.206) * h(v2 - -0.747) * h(0.784 - v1) * h(v2 - 0.283)
-0.115 -0.098 intercept * h(v3 - -0.994)
-0.200 -0.055 intercept * h(-0.994 - v3)
0.037 0.079 intercept * h(v3 - -0.994) * h(v3 - -0.633)
First we generate a new dataset using a population structure that is not additive.
rng = StableRNG(123)
n = 1000
X = randn(rng, n, 3)
Ey = X[:, 1].^2 + X[:, 1] .* X[:, 2]
y = Ey + randn(rng, n)
md4 = fit(EarthModel, X, y)
Coef Std coef Term
-0.548 -- intercept
-0.347 -0.212 intercept * h(0.052 - v1)
0.491 0.382 intercept * h(v1 - 0.052) * h(v2 - -0.800)
-0.482 -0.104 intercept * h(v1 - 0.052) * h(-0.800 - v2)
-0.381 -0.068 intercept * h(0.052 - v1) * h(v2 - 1.254)
0.478 0.464 intercept * h(0.052 - v1) * h(1.254 - v2)
0.453 0.477 intercept * h(0.052 - v1) * h(-0.334 - v1)
0.352 0.304 intercept * h(v1 - 0.052) * h(v1 - 0.467)
0.057 0.073 intercept * h(v1 - 0.052) * h(v1 - 0.467) * h(v3 - -1.296)
One way to assess how well we have fit the mean structure is by considering the mean squared error (MSE). If we have closely captured the mean structure, then the MSE should be close to the residual variance, which is 1.
res = residuals(md4)
Below we plot three conditional mean functions of the form E[y | x_1, x_2=f, x_3=0] for fixed values of f=0, 1, 2.
function make_plot(md)
x = -2:0.2:2
p = nothing
yy = []
cols = ["orange", "purple", "lime"]
for (j,f) in enumerate([0, 1, 2])
X1 = [x f*ones(length(x)) zeros(length(x))]
yp = predict(md, X1)
p = if j == 1
plot(x, x.^2 + f*x, xlabel=L"$x$", ylabel=L"$y$", label=L"$E[y | x_1, x_2=%$f]$",
color=cols[j], size=(400, 300))
plot!(p, x, x.^2 + f*x, color=cols[j], label=L"$E[y | x_1, x_2=%$f]$")
plot!(p, x, yp, color=cols[j], ls=:dash, label=L"$\hat{E}[y | x_1, x_2=%$f]$")
Plots.savefig(p, "../assets/readme4.svg")
Below we plot the generalized r-squared statistic against the number of model terms (the degrees of freedom in the model) during the forward phase of model construction. The true (population) r-squared value is also plotted.
p = plot(md4.nterms, gr2(md4), label=L"Estimated $r^2$", size=(400, 300),
xlabel="Number of terms", ylabel=L"$r^2$")
p = plot!(p, md4.nterms, cor(Ey, y)^2*ones(length(md4.nterms)), label=L"True $r^2$")
Plots.savefig(p, "../assets/readme5.svg")
[1] Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines, Jerome H. Friedman. The Annals of Statistics, Vol. 19, No. 1. (Mar., 1991), pp. 1-67.
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