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Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
March 2016


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Julia library for working with feather-formatted files

⚠ Project Status

Feather.jl reads an older feather format now known as "Feather v1". The current standard, Feather v2, is simply the apache arrow format written to disk. As such, you're probably looking for Arrow.jl which will allow you to read and write Feather v2, but not feather v1. We suggest that you upgrade any data you might have in the v1 format to v2 using this package together with Arrow.jl, or with pyarrow which maintains support for the legacy feather format.

Please note that the maintainers of this package have moved on to the new format, so it is unlikely to receive updates and there may not be anyone available to review PR's.


The package is registered in the General Registry and so can be installed with Pkg.add.

julia> using Pkg

julia> Pkg.add("Feather")

or from the Pkg REPL (accessed by typing ] from the main REPL prompt/

] add Feather


  • STABLEmost recently tagged version of the documentation.
  • LATESTin-development version of the documentation.

Contributing and Questions

Contributions are very welcome, as are feature requests and suggestions. Please open an issue if you encounter any problems or would just like to ask a question.