
FractionalTransforms.jl: A Julia package aiming at providing fractional order transforms with high performance.
Author SciFracX
12 Stars
Updated Last
1 Year Ago
Started In
October 2021


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If you have already installed Julia, you can install FractionalTransforms.jl in REPL using Julia package manager:

pkg> add FractionalTransforms

Quick start

Fractional Fourier Transform

Compute the Fractional Fourier transform by the following command:

frft(signal, order)

Fractional Sine Transform

Compute the Fractional Sine transform by the following command:

julia> frst(signal, order, p)

Fractional Cosine Transform

Compute the Fractional Cosine transform by the following command:

julia> frct(signal, order, p)


The custom Fourier Transform transforms the input signal from time domain to frequency domain, the Fractional Fourier transform, in a more generalized aspect, can transform the input signal to the fractional domain, reveal more properties and features of the signal.


  • Add more examples relating to signal processing, image processing etc.
  • Cover more algorithms, including Fractional Hadamard Transform, Fractional Gabor Transform...


I would like to express gratitude to

Please note that FRFT, FRST and FRCT are adapted from Matlab files, credits go to the original authors, bugs are my own.

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