
Author oscar-system
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Updated Last
4 Months Ago
Started In
October 2021


This repository gives access to the generic decomposition matrices of various groups of Lie type.

Currently the following use cases are supported.

  • The Chevie.jl package provides functionality for generic decomposition matrices.

  • The generic decomposition matrices can be read into Oscar.jl, its matrices and polynomials are used then.

  • There is also a GAP 4 interface, read init.g into a GAP session in order to provide functions for loading, displaying, and testing the matrices.

The interfaces to Chevie.jl and Oscar.jl can be used in the same Julia session.

There is a preliminary printout version of the data; both the location and the format will be changed.

The data (in the data subdirectory) have been provided by Gunter Malle.


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