
Geospatial data in Parquet files
Author JuliaGeo
12 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
April 2022


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage

Adding geospatial data to Parquet. Follows the GeoParquet v1.0 spec.


Reading geoparquet files can be done with read.

julia> import GeoParquet as GP

julia> url = ""
julia> fn = download(url)
julia> df =
5×6 DataFrame
 Row │ pop_est    continent      name                      iso_a3   gdp_md_est    geometry
     │ Int64?     String?        String?                   String?  Float64?      WellKnow
   1920938  Oceania        Fiji                      FJI        8374.0      WellKnownBinary{Geom, Vector{UIn
   253950935  Africa         Tanzania                  TZA      150600.0      WellKnownBinary{Geom, Vector{UIn
   3603253  Africa         W. Sahara                 ESH         906.5      WellKnownBinary{Geom, Vector{UIn
   435623680  North America  Canada                    CAN           1.674e6  WellKnownBinary{Geom, Vector{UIn
   5326625791  North America  United States of America  USA           1.856e7  WellKnownBinary{Geom, Vector{UIn

Writing requires Table like input with geometry columns that are WellKnownBinary from GeoFormatTypes.jl, or geometries that support GeoInterface.jl.

julia> GeoParquet.write("test.parquet", df, (:geometry,))