
Artifacts for Geospatial Data Science
Author JuliaEarth
3 Stars
Updated Last
7 Months Ago
Started In
October 2023


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GeoArtifacts.jl provides geospatial artifacts (e.g., datasets) from different sources. It is used in the book Geospatial Data Science with Julia.


The package is organized in different submodules, which encapsulate the artifacts.

Please check the docstring of each submodule for more information.



help?> GADM

  Provides a single function GADM.get to download data from the GADM database. Please check its docstring for more details.

julia> GADM.get("BRA", depth=1)
27×12 GeoTable over 27 GeometrySet
│    GID_1    │    GID_0    │   COUNTRY   │       NAME_1       │      VARNAME_1       │  NL_NAME_1  │      TYPE_1      │    ENGTYPE_1     │    CC_1     │   HASC_1    │    I ⋯
│ Categorical │ Categorical │ Categorical │    Categorical     │     Categorical      │ Categorical │   Categorical    │   Categorical    │ Categorical │ Categorical │ Cate ⋯
│  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │     [NoUnits]      │      [NoUnits]       │  [NoUnits]  │    [NoUnits]     │    [NoUnits]     │  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │  [No ⋯
│   BRA.1_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │        Acre        │          NA          │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.AC    │    B ⋯
│   BRA.2_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │      Alagoas       │          NA          │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.AL    │    B ⋯
│   BRA.3_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │       Amapá        │          NA          │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.AP    │      ⋯
│   BRA.4_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │      Amazonas      │       Amazone        │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.AM    │    B ⋯
│   BRA.5_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │       Bahia        │         Ba¡a         │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.BA    │    B ⋯
│   BRA.6_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │       Ceará        │          NA          │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.CE    │      ⋯
│   BRA.7_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │  Distrito Federal  │          NA          │     NA      │ Distrito Federal │ Federal District │     NA      │    BR.DF    │    B ⋯
│   BRA.8_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │   Espírito Santo   │    Espiritu Santo    │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.ES    │      ⋯
│   BRA.9_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │       Goiás        │     Goiáz|Goyáz      │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.GO    │      ⋯
│  BRA.10_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │      Maranhão      │ São Luíz de Maranhão │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.MA    │      ⋯
│  BRA.12_1   │     BRA     │   Brazil    │    Mato Grosso     │     Matto Grosso     │     NA      │      Estado      │      State       │     NA      │    BR.MT    │    B ⋯
│      ⋮      │      ⋮      │      ⋮      │         ⋮          │          ⋮           │      ⋮      │        ⋮         │        ⋮         │      ⋮      │      ⋮      │      ⋱
                                                                                                                                                 2 columns and 16 rows omitted


help?> NaturalEarth

  Provides functions to download data from the Natural Earth database:

    •  NaturalEarth.countries

    •  NaturalEarth.borders

    •  NaturalEarth.states

    •  NaturalEarth.counties

    •  NaturalEarth.populatedplaces

    •  NaturalEarth.roads

    •  NaturalEarth.railroads

    •  NaturalEarth.airports

    •  NaturalEarth.ports

    •  NaturalEarth.urbanareas

    •  NaturalEarth.usparks

    •  NaturalEarth.timezones

    •  NaturalEarth.coastlines

    •  NaturalEarth.lands

    •  NaturalEarth.minorislands

    •  NaturalEarth.reefs

    •  NaturalEarth.oceans

    •  NaturalEarth.rivers

    •  NaturalEarth.lakes

    •  NaturalEarth.physicallabels

    •  NaturalEarth.playas

    •  NaturalEarth.glaciatedareas

    •  NaturalEarth.iceshelves

    •  NaturalEarth.bathymetry

    •  NaturalEarth.geographiclines

    •  NaturalEarth.graticules

    •  NaturalEarth.hypsometrictints

    •  NaturalEarth.naturalearth1

    •  NaturalEarth.naturalearth2

    •  NaturalEarth.oceanbottom

    •  NaturalEarth.shadedrelief

    •  NaturalEarth.grayearth

    •  NaturalEarth.usmanualshadedrelief

    •  NaturalEarth.manualshadedrelief

    •  NaturalEarth.prismashadedrelief

  Please check their docstrings for more details.

julia> NaturalEarth.countries()
258×169 GeoTable over 258 GeometrySet
│   featurecla    │  scalerank  │  LABELRANK  │   SOVEREIGNT   │   SOV_A3    │  ADM0_DIF   │    LEVEL    │       TYPE        │     TLC     │            ADMIN             │  ⋯
│   Categorical   │ Categorical │ Categorical │  Categorical   │ Categorical │ Categorical │ Categorical │    Categorical    │ Categorical │         Categorical          │  ⋯
│    [NoUnits]    │  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │   [NoUnits]    │  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │     [NoUnits]     │  [NoUnits]  │          [NoUnits]           │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      0      │      2      │   Indonesia    │     IDN     │      0      │      2      │ Sovereign country │      1      │          Indonesia           │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      0      │      3      │    Malaysia    │     MYS     │      0      │      2      │ Sovereign country │      1      │           Malaysia           │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      0      │      2      │     Chile      │     CHL     │      0      │      2      │ Sovereign country │      1      │            Chile             │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      0      │      3      │    Bolivia     │     BOL     │      0      │      2      │ Sovereign country │      1      │           Bolivia            │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      0      │      2      │      Peru      │     PER     │      0      │      2      │ Sovereign country │      1      │             Peru             │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      0      │      2      │   Argentina    │     ARG     │      0      │      2      │ Sovereign country │      1      │          Argentina           │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      3      │      3      │ United Kingdom │     GB1     │      1      │      2      │    Dependency     │      1      │ Dhekelia Sovereign Base Area │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      1      │      5      │     Cyprus     │     CYP     │      0      │      2      │ Sovereign country │      1      │            Cyprus            │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      0      │      2      │     India      │     IND     │      0      │      2      │ Sovereign country │      1      │            India             │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      0      │      2      │     China      │     CH1     │      1      │      2      │      Country      │      1      │            China             │  ⋯
│ Admin-0 country │      0      │      4      │     Israel     │     IS1     │      1      │      2      │     Disputed      │      1      │            Israel            │  ⋯
│        ⋮        │      ⋮      │      ⋮      │       ⋮        │      ⋮      │      ⋮      │      ⋮      │         ⋮         │      ⋮      │              ⋮               │  ⋱
                                                                                                                                              159 columns and 247 rows omitted

julia> NaturalEarth.coastlines()
4133×4 GeoTable over 4133 GeometrySet
│ featurecla  │  scalerank  │  min_zoom  │           geometry            │
│ Categorical │ Categorical │ Continuous │             Multi             │
│  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │ [NoUnits]  │ 🖈 GeodeticLatLon{WGS84Latest} │
│  Coastline  │      0      │    0.0     │         Multi(1×Rope)         │
│  Coastline  │      0      │    0.0     │         Multi(1×Rope)         │
│  Coastline  │      6      │    5.0     │         Multi(1×Ring)         │
│  Coastline  │      0      │    0.0     │         Multi(1×Rope)         │
│  Coastline  │      0      │    0.0     │         Multi(1×Rope)         │
│  Coastline  │      6      │    5.0     │         Multi(1×Ring)         │
│  Coastline  │      5      │    3.0     │         Multi(1×Ring)         │
│  Coastline  │      5      │    3.0     │         Multi(1×Ring)         │
│  Coastline  │      6      │    6.0     │         Multi(1×Ring)         │
│  Coastline  │      6      │    5.0     │         Multi(1×Ring)         │
│  Coastline  │      6      │    5.0     │         Multi(1×Ring)         │
│      ⋮      │      ⋮      │     ⋮      │               ⋮               │
                                                         4122 rows omitted


help?> INMET

  Provides functions to load data from the INMET API. Please check their docstrings for more details:

    •  INMET.stations

julia> INMET.stations()
566×13 GeoTable over 566 PointSet{3,Float64}
│ Categorical │ Categorical │ Categorical │ Categorical │ Categorical │  Categorical   │     Missing     │       Categorical       │ Categorical │          Categorical          │      Categori ⋯
│  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │  [NoUnits]  │   [NoUnits]    │    [NoUnits]    │        [NoUnits]        │  [NoUnits]  │           [NoUnits]           │       [NoUnit ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A422     │     BA      │    Pane     │      04     │ 0-2000-0-86765 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-2906907000000408 │    INMET    │ 2008-07-20T21:00:00.000-03:00 │       ABROLHO ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A360     │     CE      │  Operante   │      03     │ 0-2000-0-81755 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-2300200000000446 │    INMET    │ 2009-04-21T21:00:00.000-03:00 │        ACARAU ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A657     │     ES      │  Operante   │      06     │ 0-2000-0-86827 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-3200102000000478 │    INMET    │ 2011-09-23T21:00:00.000-03:00 │    AFONSO CLA ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A908     │     MT      │  Operante   │      09     │ 0-2000-0-86686 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-5100201000000157 │    INMET    │ 2006-12-15T21:00:00.000-03:00 │       AGUA BO ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A756     │     MS      │  Operante   │      07     │ 0-2000-0-86812 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-5000203000000463 │    INMET    │ 2010-08-13T21:00:00.000-03:00 │      AGUA CLA ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A045     │     DF      │  Operante   │      10     │ 0-2000-0-86716 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-5300108000000435 │    INMET    │ 2008-10-02T21:00:00.000-03:00 │    AGUAS EMEN ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A549     │     MG      │  Operante   │      05     │ 0-2000-0-86722 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-3101003000000252 │    INMET    │ 2007-09-08T21:00:00.000-03:00 │    AGUAS VERM ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A534     │     MG      │  Operante   │      05     │ 0-2000-0-86803 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-3101102000000239 │    INMET    │ 2007-08-04T21:00:00.000-03:00 │        AIMORE ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A617     │     ES      │  Operante   │      06     │ 0-2000-0-86828 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-3200201000000125 │    INMET    │ 2006-10-24T21:00:00.000-03:00 │        ALEGRE ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A826     │     RS      │  Operante   │      08     │ 0-2000-0-86975 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-4300406000000113 │    INMET    │ 2006-09-27T21:00:00.000-03:00 │       ALEGRET ⋯
│ Automatica  │    A615     │     ES      │  Operante   │      06     │ 0-2000-0-86829 │     missing     │ 0-76-0-3200300000000135 │    INMET    │ 2006-11-02T21:00:00.000-03:00 │    ALFREDO CH ⋯
│      ⋮      │      ⋮      │      ⋮      │      ⋮      │      ⋮      │       ⋮        │        ⋮        │            ⋮            │      ⋮      │               ⋮               │           ⋮   ⋱
                                                                                                                                                                    3 columns and 555 rows omitted

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