
Author d2cml-ai
4 Stars
Updated Last
8 Months Ago
Started In
August 2022


Stable Dev Build Status Coverage


  • This package is a port of the hdm library in R. A collection of methods for estimation and quantification of uncertainty in high-dimensional approximately sparse models, based on:

Chernozhukov, V., Chetverikov, D., Demirer, M., Duflo, E., Hansen, C., & Newey, W. (2017). Double/debiased/neyman machine learning of treatment effects. American Economic Review, 107(5), 261-65.

Getting started

To install the stable version of the package, you may acquire the package from the Julia General Registry by using

julia> ] add HDMjl


julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add("HDMjl")

You may also install the dev version of the package by directly acquiring it from the repository by using

julia> ] add https://github.com/d2cml-ai/HDMjl.jl


julia> import Pkg; Pkg.add(url = "https://github.com/d2cml-ai/HDMjl.jl")

If the compatibility conditions are met, the package should install automatically, and you may load the package:

julia> using HDMjl

Prediction using Lasso and Post-Lasso

julia> using Random

julia> Random.seed!(1234);

julia> n = 100;

julia> p = 100;

julia> s = 3;

julia> X = randn(n, p);

julia> beta = vcat(fill(5, s), zeros(p - s));

julia> Y = X * beta + randn(n);

The Post-Lasso procedure fits an OLS regression excluding the variables not previously selected by Lasso. The rlasso algorithm uses the standard errors of the residuals from this regression to evaluate whether there has been a gain in the goodness of the fit in the current iteration. Just like most of the functions in the package, rlasso returns a dictionary with the results of the regression.

We can estimate the models using Lasso

julia> lasso_reg = rlasso(X, Y, post = false)

julia> r_summary(lasso_reg)
    Post-Lasso Estimation: false
    Total number of variables: 100
    Number of selected variables: 9
============ ==============
  Variable    Estimate    
============ ==============
  Intercept   -0.0588327
  V 1         4.84428
  V 2         4.73331
  V 3         4.99116
  V 4         -0.0166025
  V 43        -0.10963
  V 64        0.000400857
  V 69        -0.0359718
  V 94        0.00666321
  V 100       0.166262
============ ==============

    Multiple R-squared: 0.9883821717933302
    Adjusted R-squared: 0.9872203889726632

and Post-Lasso

julia> post_lasso_reg = rlasso(X, Y, post = true)

julia> r_summary(post_lasso_reg)
    Post-Lasso Estimation: true
    Total number of variables: 100
    Number of selected variables: 3
============ ==============
  Variable    Estimate    
============ ==============
  Intercept   -0.00682754
  V 1         5.00958
  V 2         4.93178
  V 3         5.17705
============ ==============

    Multiple R-squared: 0.9878595381779292
    Adjusted R-squared: 0.9874801487459894

Inference on Target Coefficients through Orthogonal Estimating Equations

Following Chernozhukov, Hansen and Spindler (2015), the HDMjl package makes use of orthogonal estimating equations methods to reduce estimation bias. We can do this through the rlassoEffect function which does orthogonal estimation using double selection by default.

We can use this method for the Barro & Lee (1994) dataset, which has a large amount of covariates (61) relative to the sample size (90). Selecting covariates through Post-Lasso gives us more precise estimators.

julia> using CodecXz

julia> using RData

julia> using DataFrames

julia> url = "https://github.com/cran/hdm/raw/master/data/GrowthData.rda";

julia> GrowthData = load(download(url))["GrowthData"];

julia> y = GrowthData[:, 1];

julia> d = GrowthData[:, 3];

julia> X = Matrix(GrowthData[:, Not(1, 2, 3)]);

julia> doublesel_effect = rlassoEffect(X, y, d, method = "double selection");

julia> r_summary(doublesel_effect);
Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables
  Row   Estimate.   Std. Error    t value     Pr(>|t|) 

    1    -0.05001      0.01579   -3.16719   0.00154 **
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

We can also use partialling out for the orthogonal estimating equations.

julia> lasso_effect   = rlassoEffect(X, y, d, method = "partialling out")

julia> r_summary(lasso_effect);
Estimates and significance testing of the effect of target variables
  Row   Estimate.   Std. Error    t value      Pr(>|t|) 

    1    -0.04981      0.01394   -3.57317   0.00035 ***
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Instrumental Variable Estimation in High-Dimentional Settings

The rlassoIV function is able to select exogenous variables (X_select = true), instrumental variables (Z_select = true) by default, and use orthogonal estimating ecuations through partialling out for a two-stage least squares regression. We also supply the tsls function, which computes two-stage least squares estimates.

We desmonstrate this with the eminent domain data used by Belloni, Chen, Chernozhukov & Hansen (2012):

julia> using Statistics

julia> url = "https://github.com/cran/hdm/raw/master/data/EminentDomain.rda";

julia> EminentDomain = load(download(url))["EminentDomain"];

julia> z = EminentDomain["logGDP"]["z"];

julia> x = EminentDomain["logGDP"]["x"];

julia> d = EminentDomain["logGDP"]["d"];

julia> y = EminentDomain["logGDP"]["y"];

julia> x = x[:, (mean(x, dims = 1) .> 0.05)'];

julia> z = z[:, (mean(z, dims = 1) .> 0.05)'];

julia> lasso_IV_XZ  = rlassoIV(x, d, y, z)

julia> r_summary(lasso_IV_XZ);
Estimates and Significance Testing of the effect of target variables in the IV regression model
         coeff.       se.    t-value    p-value 

  d1   -0.02383   0.12851   -0.18543   0.85289
Signif. codes:
0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Inference on Treatment Effects on a High-Dimensional Setting

The rlassoATE, rlassoLATE, rlassoATET, and rlassoLATET functions are included for estimation of the corresponding treatment effect statistics.

julia> url = "https://github.com/cran/hdm/raw/master/data/pension.rda";

julia> pension = load(download(url))["pension"];

julia> y = pension[:, "tw"];

julia> d = pension[:, "p401"];

julia> z = pension[:, "e401"];

julia> X = Matrix(pension[:, ["i2", "i3", "i4", "i5", "i6", "i7", "a2", "a3", "a4", "a5", "fsize", "hs", "smcol", "col", "marr", "twoearn", "db", "pira", "hown"]]);

julia> pension_ate  = rlassoATE(X, d, y)

julia> r_summary(pension_ate);
    Post-Lasso estimation: true
    Intercept: true
    Control: 0
    Total number of variables: 19
    Number of selected variables: 9 
============ ============
  Variable    Estimate  
============ ============
  Intercept   -2.07033
  V 1         -0.237913
  V 3         0.618819
  V 4         0.846136
  V 5         1.10569
  V 6         1.34217
  V 10        -0.33151
  V 16        0.0382348
  V 17        0.620232
  V 18        0.335563
============ ============
  Coeff     SE        t.value 
========== ========= ==========
  10180.1   1930.68   5.2728
========== ========= ==========

julia> pension_atet  = rlassoATET(X, d, y)

julia> r_summary(pension_atet);
    Post-Lasso estimation: true
    Intercept: true
    Control: 0
    Total number of variables: 19
    Number of selected variables: 6 
============ ============
  Variable    Estimate  
============ ============
  Intercept   -1.79587
  V 1         -0.608675
  V 5         0.622942
  V 6         0.839653
  V 16        0.199394
  V 17        0.643286
  V 18        0.374925
============ ============
    Estimation and significance tesing of the treatment effect
    Type: ATET
    Bootstrap: none
  Coeff     SE        t.value 
========== ========= ==========
  12628.5   2944.43   4.28893
========== ========= ==========

julia> pension_late = rlassoLATE(X, d, y, z)

julia> r_summary(pension_late);
    Post-Lasso estimation: true
    Intercept: true
    Control: 0
    Total number of variables: 19
    Number of selected variables: 10 
============ ============
  Variable    Estimate  
============ ============
  Intercept   -1.58403
  V 1         -0.329602
  V 3         0.657641
  V 4         0.836492
  V 5         1.11528
  V 6         1.21348
  V 8         0.142622
  V 10        -0.299557
  V 16        0.0516196
  V 17        1.03219
  V 18        0.135758
============ ============
    Estimation and significance tesing of the treatment effect
    Type: LATE
    Bootstrap: none
========== ======== ==========
  Coeff     SE       t.value 
========== ======== ==========
  12992.1   2326.9   5.58344
========== ======== ==========

julia> pension_latet  = rlassoLATET(X, d, y, z)

julia> r_summary(pension_latet);
    Post-Lasso estimation: true
    Intercept: true
    Control: 0
    Total number of variables: 19
    Number of selected variables: 5 
============ ============
  Variable    Estimate  
============ ============
  Intercept   -1.25636
  V 1         -0.714199
  V 5         0.677564
  V 6         0.794049
  V 16        0.212127
  V 17        1.05388
============ ============
    Estimation and significance tesing of the treatment effect
    Type: LATET
    Bootstrap: none
========== ========= ==========
  Coeff     SE        t.value 
========== ========= ==========
  15323.2   3645.28   4.20357