
An MPI-parallel implementation of the Healpix tessellation scheme in Julia
Author LeeoBianchi
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HealpixMPI.jl: an MPI-parallel implementation of the Healpix tessellation scheme in Julia

Welcome to HealpixMPI.jl, an MPI-parallel implementation of the main functionalities of HEALPix spherical tessellation scheme, entirely coded in Julia.

This package constitutes a natural extension of the package Healpix.jl, providing an MPI integration of its main functionalities, allowing for simultaneous shared-memory (multithreading) and distributed-memory (MPI) parallelization leading to high performance sperical harmonic transforms.

Read the full documentation for further details.


From the Julia REPL, run

import Pkg

Usage Example

The example shows the necessary steps to set up and perform an MPI-parallel alm2map SHT with HealpixMPI.jl.

Set up

We set up the necessary MPI communication and initialize Healpix.jl structures:

using MPI
using Random
using Healpix
using HealpixMPI

#MPI set-up
crank = MPI.Comm_rank(comm)
csize = MPI.Comm_size(comm)
root = 0

#initialize Healpix structures
NSIDE = 64
lmax = 3*NSIDE - 1
if crank == root
  h_map = HealpixMap{Float64, RingOrder}(NSIDE)   #empty map
  h_alm = Alm(lmax, lmax, randn(ComplexF64, numberOfAlms(lmax)))  #random alm
  h_map = nothing
  h_alm = nothing


The distributed HealpixMPI.jl data types are filled through an overload of MPI.Scatter!:

#initialize empty HealpixMPI structures 
d_map = DMap{RR}(comm)
d_alm = DAlm{RR}(comm)

#fill them
MPI.Scatter!(h_map, d_map)
MPI.Scatter!(h_alm, d_alm)


We perform the SHT through an overload of Healpix.alm2map and, if needed, we MPI.Gather! the result in a HealpixMap:

alm2map!(d_alm, d_map; nthreads = 16)
MPI.Gather!(d_map, h_map)

This allows the user to adjust at run time the number of threads to use, typically to be set to the number of cores of your machine.


Since v1.0.0 HealpixMPI.jl supports polarized SHT's. There are two different ways to distribute a PolarizedHealpixMap using MPI.Scatter!, i.e. passing one or two DMap output objects respectively, as shown in the following example:

MPI.Scatter!(h_map, out_d_pol_map) #here out_d_pol_map is a DMap object containing only the Q and U components of the input h_map
MPI.Scatter!(h_map, out_d_map, out_d_pol_map) #here out_d_map contains the I component, while out_d_pol_map Q and U 

Of course, the distribution of a polarized set of alms, represented in Healpix.jl by an AbstractArray{Alm{T}, 1}, works in a similar way:

MPI.Scatter!(h_alms, out_d_pol_alms) #here both h_alms and out_d_pol_alms should only contain the E and B components
MPI.Scatter!(h_alms, out_d_alm, out_d_pol_alms) #here h_alms should contain [T,E,B], shared by out_d_alm (T) and out_d_pol_alm (E and B)

This allows the SHTs to be performed on the DMap and DAlm resulting objects directly, regardless of the field being polarized or not, as long as the number of components in the two objects is matching. The functions alm2map and adjoint_alm2map will get authomatically the correct spin value for the given transform:

alm2map!(d_alm, d_map)         #spin-0 transform
alm2map!(d_pol_alm, d_pol_map) #polarized transform


In order to exploit MPI parallelization run the code through mpirun or mpiexec as

$ mpiexec -n {Ntask} julia {your_script.jl}

To run a code on multiple nodes, specify a machine file machines.txt as

$ mpiexec -machinefile machines.txt julia {your_script.jl}

How to Cite

If you make use of HealpixMPI.jl for your work, please remember to cite it properly.

In order to do so, click on the Cite this repository menu in the About section of this repository. Alternatively, use the following BibTeX entry:

author = {Bianchi, Leo A.},
doi = {10.21105/joss.06467},
journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
publisher = {The Open Journal},
month = may,
number = {97},
pages = {6467},
title = {{HealpixMPI.jl: an MPI-parallel implementation of the Healpix tessellation scheme in Julia}},
url = {https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.06467},
volume = {9},
year = {2024}

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